Search results

  1. Listing of items for sale

    Added another pair of MetalWorking gloves
  2. Listing of items for sale

    Bump, sold a few
  3. Listing of items for sale

  4. WTB lvl 10 - 14 rare gear

    This thread is over 2 years old. :\
  5. Listing of items for sale

    Bump Sold a few bits and bobs, looking to trade a few items for a pair of woodworking gloves! :)
  6. Listing of items for sale

  7. Rate my hpally

    Yes it is, dunno why anyone would say otherwise
  8. twenty bracket manager should be Burg

    Why are you getting so aggy about it? Just let them discuss it without these types of threads, it just makes you look like a pratt.
  9. Listing of items for sale

    ADDED: Petrolspill leggings Mindthrust Bracers
  10. Listing of items for sale

    SOLD: Blackened Defias Boots : 55k
  11. Listing of items for sale

  12. Level 98 Frost/Arcane Mage Legendary Staff Twink - AoE Globals and 120k+ crits

    10/10 enjoyed the look of the gy farming
  13. Show Off Your 100!

    Bluebreeze @ The Sha'tar - Community - World of Warcraft Rispolo @ The Sha'tar - Community - World of Warcraft
  14. Listing of items for sale

  15. Listing of items for sale

    ADDING: Blackened defias belt ( TheSha'tar ) Noble's Robe ( DarkmoonFaire, Earthern ring ) SOLD: Shadowcraft bracers ( TheSha'tar )
  16. Listing of items for sale

    Bump, also taking pets! :)
  17. Listing of items for sale

    ADDING: Gloomshroud ( TheSha'tar ) Blackened Defias Boots ( TheSha'tar )
  18. Listing of items for sale

  19. Listing of items for sale

    SOLD the tabard 50,000g
  20. 19 Faceroll Class Orc

    xmog is nice I suggest trying to find a different pair of boots for it though