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  1. US gearing up

    thats exactly what this post is about i use both and i also post here
  2. US gearing up

    yea the problem is that each runs takes like 20ish minutes and i dont have alot of time. so id rather keep looking for trades so i can gear this week instead of this month. cuz im already doing that and on my 8th ZF without either sword.
  3. US gearing up

    im on and still needing runs i dont have anything atm on my warrior lol queing into dungeons is so slow
  4. US gearing up

    still needs runs pst on now
  5. US gearing up

    looking trading runs or 5 man ques to gear up quick. add me or hit me up in the 59 community horde side...i can give runs to ally toons aswell. #badakface1861
  6. US 59 Alliance twink Community

    bump request sticky
  7. EU+US Møønførm - 59 Balance Druid PvP - BFA Patch 8.0.1

    Got a warrior horde side I'm making and a hpally on ally
  8. US LF 50-59 horde twinks for bgs

  9. 59 Twink Hunter Gear

    Hellfire ramparts/blood furnace and utgarde keep and nexus have socket for our level. I pretty sure all gear is from dungeons. But still exploring
  10. US horde regrping

    thank you! also que up both sides!
  11. US 2v2 tourney?

    More that I think about it 3s would be better and we cab set up gold prizes or something. No ramstein or weapon swapping and 1 hybrid 1 healer 1 class limit
  12. US horde regrping

    also does anyone know if warforged or titanforged drops from bg boxes currently?
  13. US horde regrping

    i just leveled to 49 on my feral and in the works of finish up his gear. just trying to get hordies to start logging consistently at night. im in the horde community hmu for games yow
  14. Boe greens

    anyone? are these items grandfathered or is this how they drop now?
  15. Feral stats - crit vers, or haste vers?

    Yes the priority is agi>haste>versa. Will it still be haste after the haste bonus reduction? But I wouldn't take pure agility over agility Max haste secondary versa item like I got ilvl 54 boots with 11 agi 16 stam 9 haste 5 versa. after the changes energy Regen will be better base...
  16. Feral stats - crit vers, or haste vers?

    Ok so after changes go thru versa-crit will be the way to go. Check the notes ferals have 50% Hidden haste buff and that's being reduced to 25% along with buffs to there damage. I feel this would make agi versa crit the stat priority. Has anyone found some feral weapons that stand out?
  17. Boe greens

    Are the Ilvl 54 still farmable? And if so can you recommend a way to farm them?
  18. Feral stats - crit vers, or haste vers?

    Are there cap points for haste or crit where it's just not worth it or just stack which ever one is more beneficial to the max without sacrificing primary stats
  19. Looking to get back into twinking, have some questions about specific classes

    Hey guys what's the faction lacking the most? How's mm hunter and feral?
  20. US Horde 49 Twink Community

    come on guys que up