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  1. Adham Abisha

    @Bestworld in case you missed one of our bigger games.

    @Bestworld in case you missed one of our bigger games.
  2. Adham Abisha

    @Bestworld i played 2 games of the Series till we made roster changes middle series, it was a...

    @Bestworld i played 2 games of the Series till we made roster changes middle series, it was a fun experience non the less.
  3. Adham Abisha

    EU+US Get on my level bois

    Need More Dodge Rating to Avoid the fact you Bought that rogue for $400USD, We Give Zerophuqs Thanks for the Kind Donation to the Twink Cup 2017 ;) as MVQ Also Made a Comment Earlier not sure how you have not been Banned for Abusing Customer Support to hand you Grandfathered Enchants+Gear like...
  4. Adham Abisha

    Off Stream coaching with Throw my buddy a Follow :)

    Off Stream coaching with Throw my buddy a Follow :)
  5. Adham Abisha

    EU+US stop using glorious stats

    Back in my Day Gear + Enchants weren't a excuse for Loses, you MoP/WoD Babies are Catered to like a WSG dinner party.
  6. Adham Abisha

    The Peak of Twinking

    IMO TBC, and Wrath, also 1.12.1 was never considered a Ex-pack my dude, still isn't to this day. just figured i'd catch you before you hurt yourself :P
  7. Adham Abisha

    EU+US Main's Armory List

    VVV *EU RDruid at 914 Equip *US RDruid at 906 Equip *US Disc Priest at 903 Equip *US Frost Mage at 891...
  8. Adham Abisha

    US Arena 5v5 1v1s

    I feel like if this does happen the result with be a great Sub Rogue with the win, have fun though
  9. Adham Abisha

    EU+US stop using glorious stats

    That +1 Stat Crutch is a Priority people, God lol SMH...
  10. Adham Abisha

    Mr. Jeffery Kaplann

    Jeffery Kaplann is a Better game designer then Holinka would/could ever be, His COE Tells him to Make an Encouraging Video after coming off a Crack-Coke High, A Suh Duuue.
  11. Adham Abisha

    @Sponsor For years i have heard people bitch about Balanced Brackets, IMO 101 Twinks are the...

    @Sponsor For years i have heard people bitch about Balanced Brackets, IMO 101 Twinks are the most balanced, already so close to level cap.
  12. Adham Abisha

    Coaching with Great guy :)

    Coaching with Great guy :)
  13. Adham Abisha

    The New Pad/Place

    yea, i'm happy with the deal and realtor.
  14. Adham Abisha

    NO FOR GAY JESUS! callout thread @dorigon

    this almost looks like the MMA Ring in Mesa?
  15. Adham Abisha

    The New Pad/Place

    Close to Squaw Peak, AKA Vagina Peak
  16. Adham Abisha

    The New Pad/Place

    The New Place, Closed Deal Moving in 5/27/17 Super Excited. :)
  17. Adham Abisha

    Destiny 2 Coming to

    I'm excited and Bias, about this the game is amazing but, when i think about it maybe it's just another Triple A Title for blizzard to fuck up.
  18. Adham Abisha

    US 39's Armory List GF'd Tidal Charm?, Thinking?, Kappa?
  19. Adham Abisha

    US State of The Bracket - 5/16/2017 (Legion)

    No, Look Below Use Discount Code #Getgood
  20. Adham Abisha

    US State of The Bracket - 5/16/2017 (Legion)

    What a Great Children's book Father Conq, will you be around tonight for my bedtime? i have Warm milk and Dr. Sues "Green eggs and Ham"