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  1. Faerondil

    is 20 vet worth it to come back???

    I have a starter account that I haven’t touched in some time. Sounds like there’s not much reason to be a veteran on a separate account anymore?
  2. Faerondil

    What bracket after HOA/Azerite nerf?

    Sorry for my ignorance, I haven’t touched WoW much since BfA launched. Are brackets merged again? (XP-off & XP-on)
  3. Faerondil

    Shadowlands for twinks

    all this math and stuff is good and all... but I really want to know the important stuff... will this unlock a lot more sick xmogs for my lowbies??
  4. Faerondil

    How many of you will Boycott Blizz

    I patronize businesses based on the quality and value they provide me in the products and services they offer. How they align themselves politically rarely has any influence on this.
  5. Faerondil

    Lived not ‘loved’

    Lived not ‘loved’
  6. Faerondil

    Loved in Florida most my life. can’t wait to get the fuck out of here in 5 years... life’s too...

    Loved in Florida most my life. can’t wait to get the fuck out of here in 5 years... life’s too short to live any longer in America’s wiener!
  7. Faerondil

    8.2.5 Party-Sync "Replay Rewards" Repository

    That's a shame. Hopefully just something that got overlooked.
  8. Faerondil

    Once More Unto The Breach, Dear Friends

    Welcome back!
  9. Faerondil

    EU+US Replaying Quests

    Uh-oh.. you've done it now. Better hide your rusty spoons .. and whatever you do, don't fall asleep!
  10. Faerondil

    Classic Plus

    What I'd like to see is that if Classic shows a that it helps keep sub numbers that they take lessons learned and apply that to the 'Pristine' server idea they pitched some time ago.. ie a more vanilla/tbc style experience in the modern game.
  11. Faerondil

    EU+US Party Sync notes and thoughts

    Well be glad it's not voices you're hearing. ;) On a serious note... Yeah for me it's like a cricket sound... like one of those nights when so many insects are singing it almost sounds like a steady tone. That is pretty much all the time. At other times though I do get a high pitched ringing...
  12. Faerondil

    Speratic's Sale Thread! Lv. 19 Boomstick, Lv. 19 Blade of Hanna + so much more!

    Crazy! That's more than my WoW sub for the 12+ years I've been playing...
  13. Faerondil

    EU+US Party Sync notes and thoughts

    As a vet with hearing loss, I am triggered by your flippant humor ridiculing my snowflake status.. LMao /JK
  14. Faerondil

    US Gurubashi arena

    Please correct me if I am wrong: It is my understanding though that a f2p (19, vet, 24, or 29 etc) who already has the AGM can still loot the heirloom?
  15. Faerondil

    EU+US What's the best Race for Resto Shaman in this bracket if Alliance?

    Dwarf = Master Race Everyone else = Sissy
  16. Faerondil

    EU+US Cheesing game time/xfer toon to unsubbed acct

    Isn’t there also a fee for each transfer?
  17. Faerondil

    My return, future plans, apologies.

    Welcome back!
  18. Faerondil

    EU+US advice for rets and fury warriors be4 brewfest

    Anyone know what ilevel drops for 20s? ilevel 32?
  19. Faerondil

    Those that chose Herod..

    May want to read this:
  20. Faerondil

    EU+US Absolutely absurd predictions that I think might actually happen

    Yeah, I really think Blizz missed the boat with Pet Battles to be able attract new/non-MMO players to WoW.