Search results

  1. EU+US Any 100's around?

    I have legion, but as 100 gets matched against only 100lvls, it might be more fun. But any reasons why 99 and not 100?
  2. EU+US Any 100's around?

    I heard that twinking at 100 is fun and stuff but i'm not sure should i go 99 or 100. I would make a retri pala. Tell me your opinions ty :D

    Congrats :)
  4. EU Anyone up for dungeon speedruns?

    Need to level my 105, completed all zones xp-locked so i'm fucked
  5. US 835+ Epic BOE for Twink 101

    Damn , i would like to but sadly i'm on EU servers
  6. EU WTS 850 Mail boots

    Outland-Eu come and get it, dunno if this is allowed here but we'll see
  7. EU BoE Farm anyone? (Alliance)

    Let's farm some boes if someone is up to that. It's so boring alone, prefer doing it with a friend. btag: Jespuplays#2346
  8. US Six-Feather Fan lvl 99

    Need it too :(
  9. US May have found new BOE Farming spot

    Any ideas what ilvl gear they will drop for 99's?
  10. EU+US Gearing up at 99

    So it's definetly a bis for 99. I have ~730ilvl on my DH
  11. EU+US Gearing up at 99

    Can this six-feather fan titanforge on 99's? Any info?
  12. EU+US Gearing up at 99

  13. EU+US Gearing up at 99

    Isn't six-feather fan 101 item?
  14. EU+US Gearing up at 99

    I made a 64 DK because of that video, stacked full stamina, he has like 60k hp :D
  15. EU+US Gearing up at 99

    Damn are you the 64 dk docturphil? I've seen that old video, it was cool :D