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  1. Ogre

    Easiest way to get the arena trinket?

    So I want another arena trinket on my rogue but it seems impossible to get with cross realm zones, there are levels 90s farming it. Is it possible to get on a dead realm and get it with no competition? What's the best way of getting one now?
  2. Ogre

    Any point making a priest at 29?

    Are they still good? Disc or Shadow? I'll be playing with a warlock in 2s and just doing BGs for fun.
  3. Ogre

    Renamez boosting service! EU Horde

    Just got my ribbon from Renamz, fast and professional service, thanks dude!!
  4. Ogre

    19s Armory List

    Re: WoD 19s Armory Tillage @ Stormscale - Community - World of Warcraft Still need gloom, have 2 shadowfangs but BoA seem better so I'm testing out different combos.
  5. Ogre

    WTS Precious Ribbon and gold on Draenor Horde

    Hi, just registered to buy one of these. Will pm you.