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  1. Lamma

    State of disc in 8.1

    disc hands down is most over powered spec/class in any bracket. Obviously till end game where It starts to lack the overpower it has in lower brackets. If a class can live and out heal 5 twinks on them, bursting with everything they have that spec is broke. Aka disc.... No other class can come...
  2. Lamma

    Furry warrior weps

    Just messing with you, play what you want just hate fury lol
  3. Lamma

    Furry warrior weps

    How about do us all a favor and do not play most broken class besides disc priest thank you xD much love <3
  4. Lamma

    EU+US 59's Armory and Community Lists

    Boi put a really ret paladin up there!á
  5. Lamma

    Destiny at 39

  6. Lamma

    Destiny at 39

    Does anyone know if destiny procs at level 39?
  7. Lamma

    Hot The 39 BfA BiS Gear Handbook

    This bracket officially makes me depressed with all the fury warriors..
  8. Lamma

    Ret paladin gearing

    Yeah that' looks pretty good tbh
  9. Lamma

    Ret paladin gearing

    That guys armory is the one to follow That's better to have 100%. Crit and and vers even with high haste.
  10. Lamma

    Ret paladin gearing

    I mean you could even go haste - crit if u wanted since crit = vers. Id just say it depends on what you wanna do and how you wanna play
  11. Lamma

    WTB Jackhammer for level 39 bracket...

    I'll transfer* for one most definitely. Just hoping I could save some gold/cash by getting it on Bleeding Hollow.
  12. Lamma

    WTB Jackhammer for level 39 bracket...

    Faction: Alliance Server: Bleeding Hollow
  13. Lamma

    Ret paladin gearing

    Can you not be obnoxious, please and thank you. We don't need little kitty fights he just put his input in no need to start WW3
  14. Lamma

    Ret paladin gearing

    Ok at 39 u can get 20% haste and 20%vers aim for that, bc If u know ret u know that haste reduces CD on abilities. So you can get 1-5sec off some abilities depending on your haste that means more holy power and more damage, crit is a good choice but not the best in my opinion because of how...
  15. Lamma

    Hot The 39 BfA BiS Gear Handbook

    Can you get blade of Hanna still at 39? Since the lasher nerf is coming next patch?
  16. Lamma

    EU+US 59's Armory and Community Lists

    Outlaw/assassin/sub Also fury warrior
  17. Lamma

    @Thotfc stop shakin

    @Thotfc stop shakin
  18. Lamma

    ww monk 59

    If u don't want class cannon boots Scorpashi Slipper ill 58 gives 20 agility And 17 stam Ilvl*