Search results

  1. Mkreturns

    US Complete List of Active 99 Twinks

    Active in a PvP setting during the last two weeks. The primary reason for this list is to get a tally to help organize groups for pvp and wargames on certain nights. There are lots of twinks like you that have great geared 99s but are not active in bgs atleast a few hours a week. Most people on...
  2. Mkreturns

    US Complete List of Active 99 Twinks

    He reaaaly need to come alliance side on his healer for next wargames night. Like we desperately need him.
  3. Mkreturns

    US Complete List of Active 99 Twinks

    Neutral people have twinks on both sides.
  4. Mkreturns

    US Complete List of Active 99 Twinks

    Updated active twink list. Missing a handful of people. Only people with 730+ gear admitted. ALLIANCE Osc - Discipline Priest (HEALER) Smitelicious - Discipline Priest (HEALER) Blowupgirl - Mistweaver Monk (HEALER) Sunsung - Mistweaver Monk (HEALER) Virjin - Discipline Priest (HEALER) Wutufuh...
  5. Mkreturns

    US Where to make my next 99

    mkdelta#1150 Realm is not thaat important tbh. If you're interested in our more competitive 10v10 wargames, ALLIANCE NEED A RESTO DRUID OR MISTWEAVER ASAP. Don't you already have a resto druid? Or am I confusing myself...
  6. Mkreturns

    EU+US lvl 89 twink wearing 101 legion items

    lol k. U just admitted artifact is better. I'll be waiting....
  7. Mkreturns

    EU+US lvl 89 twink wearing 101 legion items

    its too bad you play alliance though. You'll be hard pressed to be accepted in a group as an effing destro lock without his artifact.
  8. Mkreturns

    EU+US lvl 89 twink wearing 101 legion items

    You told me he sat at 16%. The whole point of your thread was to bring to attention why he wasn't scaling up to a higher percentage. lol, from what I hear from people about the hundreds of thousands of gold you spent twinking your 99, I'm sure you want to put that puppy and his cute wand to...
  9. Mkreturns

    EU+US lvl 89 twink wearing 101 legion items

    Yeah I was arguing with you because mathematically 670ish ilvl at 89 would actually be less of a bonus compared both 79 and 99 twinks in ipvp (You're ignoring artifact bonuses). Your 89 twink didn't impress me. You probably got yourself nerfed by sending a ticket to blizzard claiming that its a...
  10. Mkreturns

    US 99 PVP Video - MK - Demonology Warlock

    Yeah we missed you out there buddy! Maybe next time.
  11. Mkreturns

    EU+US 7.2 Archaeology artifact power gain

    That sounds dreadful
  12. Mkreturns

    US 99 Wargames SAT 4th 8pm C

    ALLIANCE MK - Demonology Warlock Ye - Balance Druid Osc - Discipline Priest (HEALER) Drphil - Retribution Paladin Endparty - Combat Rogue Furzerker - Fury Warrior Namedoesntfit - Fury Warrior Eightbahl - Elemental Shaman Blowupgirl - Mistweaver Monk (HEALER) **NOT fully twinked** Vality -...
  13. Mkreturns

    US 99 PVP Video - MK - Demonology Warlock

    i dunno how utube works
  14. Mkreturns

    US 99 PVP Video - MK - Demonology Warlock

    whenever i fear or stun ye in doe form a little part of me dies. :(
  15. Mkreturns

    EU+US How to play Survival FT. Gucciglad AKA RuneVahn

    that was the best video ive ever seen
  16. Mkreturns

    US Principles of War scaling not working properly

    Glad you tested it out. Remember you also lose the ability to cast Light's Wrath. I can only see this working if you want to try an offspec instead of the 740 weapon you get from your class hall.
  17. Mkreturns

    US Principles of War scaling not working properly

    I lose -5% shadow and fire dmg -30% doom dmg -30% soul link healing -lose my hardest hitting spell I guess I could shoot myself in the foot just for sh*ts and giggles. I like how you think outside of the box - but its a dumb idea. Once you start pulling my kind of numbers in a bg ill consider it.