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  1. Yndigo

    WTB BVB & ToV

  2. Yndigo

    Gnomeregan Stole My Life

    good luck man.
  3. Yndigo

    Shattering Throw

    For arms its really not worth using shattering throw glyph over wind and thunder. For fury its okay since you don't really have anything all that useful to chose from anyway, except pummel glyph.
  4. Yndigo

    WTB BVB & ToV

    Already got my hands on one, sorry. Also bump.
  5. Yndigo

    Are shadowfang and gloom bis at 29?

    I'm just gonna quote this.
  6. Yndigo

    BEST of 19

  7. Yndigo

    WTB BVB & ToV

  8. Yndigo

    WTB BVB & ToV

    preferably on ravencrest but not a requirement. hit me up. No longer buying ToV.
  9. Yndigo

    Warrior dual elemental force?

    crusader is far to strong to ever not use it.
  10. Yndigo

    Few questions

    Apperently Enhance can top scoreboard against army of f2ps.
  11. Yndigo

    Few questions

    Ofcourse its not going to top charts, it doesnt have any dots besides flame shock which is a relativly weak dot. Enhance is a fairly good counter to healers in general and they do 1.5k dmg++++ every 10 seconds just with stormstrike and lava lash alone.
  12. Yndigo

    Few questions

    Yes enhancement is currently really strong. And there is more to the game than 1v1s.
  13. Yndigo

    Few questions

    Demo is probably better for solo play, destro for higher damage output/burst potencial. Enhance shamans are strong atm.
  14. Yndigo

    Old chars

    Ladead #1 FC
  15. Yndigo

    Returned to wow

    I mostly solo que, you can get away with a lot of shit in this bracket apperently. One thing i should point out however is that i do have glove reinforcement on another pair of gloves and a few other pieces to switch out for more stam when the situation calls for it, it's not all that often i...
  16. Yndigo

    29 arms warrior

    Hi, Bananacharge here. My gearset is designed for team fighting, be in the middle of the other team spreading rend and whirlwinding for maximum pressure, it is however slightly outdated at this point, i'd probably run bravo company signet + the ring from Be Raptor questline if i could be...