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  1. I can assure you that if we started doing what your guild does, you'll never get another crate...

    I can assure you that if we started doing what your guild does, you'll never get another crate again :)
  2. Imagine being so bad at the game that you need to use consumables to win :)

    Imagine being so bad at the game that you need to use consumables to win :)
  3. Well it's obvious that they're too scared to face us on even terms. I would offer a wargame, but...

    Well it's obvious that they're too scared to face us on even terms. I would offer a wargame, but I know TF will decline. :)
  4. BFA 19 Daily Pugs

    No ones using a script to get into xpon games, that got fixed awhile ago.
  5. Legion was one of the best expansions for pugs.

    Legion was one of the best expansions for pugs.
  6. @pleblord Who are you again? Actually don't answer that, I don't really care.

    @pleblord Who are you again? Actually don't answer that, I don't really care.
  7. I don't see how you can call that a fair win. Horde had maybe 3 twinks? You had your 5 man or...

    I don't see how you can call that a fair win. Horde had maybe 3 twinks? You had your 5 man or whatever, with 3 arcane mages. That's hilarious.
  8. BFA 19 Daily Pugs

    Were definitely the best games to watch on stream too!
  9. BFA 19 Daily Pugs

    Bump. Queue up 5PM server time tomorrow!
  10. BFA 19s queue WSG specific in 10 minutes!

    BFA 19s queue WSG specific in 10 minutes!
  11. BFA 19 Daily Pugs

    Bump, queue Warsong Gulch specific in 10 minutes!
  12. BFA 19 Daily Pugs

    Another bump for games Sunday 5PM EST. I personally can't make it, but let's get some great games down! More balanced teams and no consumable use!
  13. BFA 19 Daily Pugs

    20's have no competitiveness whatsoever, all you get in games are the same premades spamming consumables to shit on levelers. Every attempt that is made to form plebs or wargames, most don't want to join.
  14. BFA 19 Daily Pugs

    Yeah, I know a few people are gearing up alts now, myself included. So there should be more variety next time.
  15. BFA 19 Daily Pugs

    I feel like class stacking was just what people had geared at the time maybe? We had a few people swap classes, but couldn't get all unfortunately,
  16. BFA 19 Daily Pugs

    bump, we're still going!
  17. BFA 19 Daily Pugs

  18. BFA 19 Daily Pugs

  19. coaching

    yo andy, can you give me advice on egirls pls
  20. Teldrassil Firefighters. Worst players in 20s. Clutching on consumables to win games. #trash

    Teldrassil Firefighters. Worst players in 20s. Clutching on consumables to win games. #trash