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  1. Lanky


  2. Lanky

    Pre-Patch is hopeless.

    one, this isn't ti, this is xpoff. two, this isn't a quitting thread, he makes valid points about why he isn't enjoying the game and asks for similar games he could play. in every quitting thread, there's always a mocking comment from you which is as futile as the thread itself
  3. Lanky

    can any server dev get on and fix pls, dcing every time u cap and caps not counting, so stuck in...

    can any server dev get on and fix pls, dcing every time u cap and caps not counting, so stuck in endless game @Hamcake @Mvq
  4. Lanky

    US Follow the leader

    and thinking ur good on a 19 isn't??? ?? ? ?? ? ?
  5. Lanky

    EU+US First impressions of 7.0

    absolute shitfest, rogues seem so weak but step is great. and arms is fking ridiculous, shitting on ppl with overpower. also like to add healers and dps cant queue 2s together, healers can only get 3s.
  6. Lanky

    EU+US First Warsong.

    i accidentally uninstalled wow, gonna kms :)
  7. Lanky

    Military Uprising in Turkey

    stay safe <3 @Yapah
  8. Lanky

    US OG 20's Q up, one last time...

    old druid i havnt touched in a few years haha, still in early mop gear ;)
  9. Lanky

    US OG 20's Q up, one last time...

    queuing now ;)
  10. Lanky

    imo choose badge or colors, not both. currently theres so many different colors its diminishing...

    imo choose badge or colors, not both. currently theres so many different colors its diminishing their value @Chap
  11. Lanky

    US OG 20's Q up, one last time...

    can i play my feral :(
  12. Lanky


    @Conq pls dont ban me, this guy is threatening me :( :(
  13. Lanky

    US LF Disc Jungle Squad homies

    drink bleach if ur qing disc hunter in 2s :)
  14. Lanky

    Best troll?

    izac after DMing off LM :mad:
  15. Lanky

    EU+US Private Server section / XPOff server?

    i had so much hype, very disappointed ps: arrowdynamic is a nazi
  16. Lanky

    EU+US F2P Level 20-29 Tier List

    Ofc they are, I'd much prefer 2 discs and a rsham on my team rather than 3 discs or 2 discs and a mw
  17. Lanky

    EU+US F2P Level 20-29 Tier List

    Even without enchants, rshams are toptier healers in arena and bgs, if played well ofc.
  18. Lanky

    EU+US F2P Level 20-29 Tier List

    Eventhough f2p feral is still fotm, you will struggle vs 29s a lot, you're heavily reliant on your team to help you out so it's important to pick your fights carefully.
  19. Lanky

    i lov u chap <3

    i lov u chap <3
  20. Lanky

    the TI versions were so good though, green for veteran, purple for donators, pink for elders and...

    the TI versions were so good though, green for veteran, purple for donators, pink for elders and blue for mvps :)