sorry but if 90% of your team doesn't have first aid, at least 1k health, a decent weapon, ect... then what is cheating?
if 90% of your twinks can't do the simple jumps like horde fence and the entrance to tunnels they likely don't know that you can use your mouse to move your character.
I had a brief cyclone stint during the SBBH era
later on the @Hbotz i thought you were and I did another stint on crushridge right when cyclone died xD
it turns out hbotz only has a few tink info accounts, not the hundreds i presumed
where did you play in Cyclone?
hahaha never dude, yo Dtf...
i think they might be a little upset because they remember the good ole days of bigotry, when you could get away with pretty much any language and it would be "just a joke".
how many scooter kids are from Mississippi?
Name: They Reminisce Over You <TROY>
Faction: Alliance
Server & Region: Yojamba, OCEANIC
Recruiting: BIS + chants but not fussed on librams
Premading: Probably
Contact: Mkfour/Tipitina ingame
Discord: Mkfour#4749