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  1. Twinkmkfour

    Just sharing some mail I recieved this morning from Blizzard Customer Support

    nah dude, i am keyboard turner, it not fair durp dum durrrrrpppppppppp
  2. Twinkmkfour

    Just sharing some mail I recieved this morning from Blizzard Customer Support

    sorry but if 90% of your team doesn't have first aid, at least 1k health, a decent weapon, ect... then what is cheating? if 90% of your twinks can't do the simple jumps like horde fence and the entrance to tunnels they likely don't know that you can use your mouse to move your character. lets...
  3. Twinkmkfour

    Official R18 Premade Rules

    OP's rules are stoop. Officially not following those rules.
  4. Twinkmkfour

    19s Premade Rules

    this is tink info after all don't take it so seriously
  5. Twinkmkfour

    19s Premade Rules

    you probably should have mentioned that first because now you got stick-in-the-mud Dominate thinking someone needs to govern 19s
  6. Twinkmkfour

    19s Premade Rules

  7. Twinkmkfour

    Just sharing some mail I recieved this morning from Blizzard Customer Support

    I had a brief cyclone stint during the SBBH era later on the @Hbotz i thought you were and I did another stint on crushridge right when cyclone died xD it turns out hbotz only has a few tink info accounts, not the hundreds i presumed where did you play in Cyclone? hahaha never dude, yo Dtf...
  8. Twinkmkfour

    Just sharing some mail I recieved this morning from Blizzard Customer Support

    don't question the legendary hbotz you worgy worg. if he says he was only jumping in mid then he was jumping in mid.
  9. Twinkmkfour

    Just sharing some mail I recieved this morning from Blizzard Customer Support

    why do you have 30 twink info accounts?
  10. Twinkmkfour

    Annnd the twink flaming starts!

    27 hunter crying about us not being able to pvp at 60? ooooh the irony
  11. Twinkmkfour

    19s Premade Rules

    i think the rules should be around turtling and not having 2+ hour games, not what consumables you can muster up
  12. Twinkmkfour

    classic twinking open discord

    i think they might be a little upset because they remember the good ole days of bigotry, when you could get away with pretty much any language and it would be "just a joke". how many scooter kids are from Mississippi?
  13. Twinkmkfour

    classic twinking open discord

    uhh kids, racisms bad. mkay?
  14. Twinkmkfour

    <Scooters Engine Repair> 19 Classic Guild

    jamesb is gracob? nice work beating those "top teirs" on skeram James ;)
  15. Twinkmkfour

    <Dominate> Classic Guild

    alliance and peep the sig :)
  16. Twinkmkfour

    <Dominate> Classic Guild

  17. Twinkmkfour

    19 Classic Guild Directory

    Name: They Reminisce Over You <TROY> Faction: Alliance Server & Region: Yojamba, OCEANIC Recruiting: BIS + chants but not fussed on librams Premading: Probably Contact: Mkfour/Tipitina ingame Discord: Mkfour#4749
  18. Twinkmkfour


    Could be wrong but it seems to be by region. US West, US East, Oceanic, ect
  19. Twinkmkfour

    -READ- very important

    i'd be sorry too if I was you. it's okay, go ask mumma for some milk :)
  20. Twinkmkfour

    -READ- very important

    likewise little kiddo.