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  1. Nodoka

    @Conq of course you wont delete account cause you care so much about your member count..

    @Conq of course you wont delete account cause you care so much about your member count..
  2. Nodoka

    @Conq delete my account right now please bye.

    @Conq delete my account right now please bye.
  3. Nodoka

    US Pls fix this

    You have to pop the pot prior to zoning into the BG leaving you with what 4 mins left? You wouldnt be able to get 20/0 in 4 mins. screenshot or u r full of it.
  4. Nodoka

    EU+US Bracket seems a little lost.

    Free badges?! Also what c unt changed my title? seriously this censorship is just terrible
  5. Nodoka

    EU trash que

    Dont lie. :<
  6. Nodoka

    EU trash que

    legion invasions are once every 4 hours and take what 20 mins max to do both invasions. game dead.
  7. Nodoka

    EU trash que

    yep yep 28 min in random bg que with av blacklisted good game. Hello?
  8. Nodoka

    EU+US Bracket seems a little lost.

    que is shit.
  9. Nodoka

    BG stat template changes

    See for u/rself.
  10. Nodoka

    @Nerfs my 29 has no effect from swapping out certain items to mail. Seems to only affect certain...

    @Nerfs my 29 has no effect from swapping out certain items to mail. Seems to only affect certain brackets and classes.
  11. Nodoka

    nazi mods in the work again feels like TI all over again

    nazi mods in the work again feels like TI all over again
  12. Nodoka

    EU+US Just a Demon Hunter idea?

    But u r lacking litterly every talent in the game : )
  13. Nodoka

    EU+US Felstone on low lvl

    we know
  14. Nodoka

    EU+US Problems in the bracket

    Since when did they actually fix bots? O-o well good for them I suppose. Sure it may be more fun, but your gonna sit on 3k paragon lvl and full ancient gear at the end to push grifts.
  15. Nodoka

    EU+US Problems in the bracket

    But grift pushing is done at the very end not at the beginning. And paragon race is won by bots : )
  16. Nodoka

    US Pls fix this

    to late stacked up on these pots alredy.
  17. Nodoka

    US Pls fix this

    Sure it did.
  18. Nodoka

    US Pls fix this

    Hard to abuse a buff and certain items that counts as pet?
  19. Nodoka

    US Pls fix this

    Shit video with shit music.
  20. Nodoka

    EU+US Legion invasion weapon are non notable by twinkS?

    y u making pointless thread after pointless thread?