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  1. Wednesday 11/11 8pm east Que WSG/TP

    power supply was the problem so count me in after the gym!
  2. Wednesday 11/11 8pm east Que WSG/TP

    Computer went out on my last week after my keyboard had drink spilled on it by my cat. Ordered a new power supply hoping that fixes my problem, It was delivered today so I'll see when i get home if that fixes my problem and ill be there!
  3. Que SSM/TP tonight Nov 4th 8pm east!!

    Couldn't make it Wednesday on my Ally due to my cat spilling something on my keyboard and ruining it. Ordered a new one but now it seems I have more problems with possibly a power supply, Will get to the bottom of it this weekend. Hope to be back up and running after the weekend. Me and a buddy...
  4. Dunk n Vulgar War Games via Xenkyro

    hope this wednesday has some good games!
  5. 3s tonight?

    Would like to see people queing tonight around 7pm eastern until at least 9pm eastern.
  6. 3s tonight?

    Lets do some 2s/3s tonight Monday 11/02!!!
  7. Saturday 10/31 Halloween, Que WSG/TP 8east

    Looking for some people to que against 2v2 on Monday 11/02. A buddy and I would like to practice our chars that we finally finished gearing, we're both new to our classes we're playing.
  8. Wargames Sunday 22nd Nov!!!!!

    Looking for some people to 2v2 against Monday 11/02. A buddy and I need to practice our new characters!
  9. Queue WSG/TP -Wednesday 10/28 8pm EST

    I will definitely be there on my ally Warrior, have been getting him ready, have a priest as well, and a buddy will be playing his hunter