Search results

  1. Hamslamwich

    US WTB +12 agil enchanted cloak

    @Purj Having access to any cloak isn't going to increase the fact that there are more unbound cloaks with the enchant, people still have to enchant it and not use it. Perfect stat cloaks I can see this depending on which one it is. My cloak has been sitting in the bank since burning crusade, at...
  2. Hamslamwich

    US WTB +12 agil enchanted cloak

    A scorpashi cape.
  3. Hamslamwich

    US WTB +12 agil enchanted cloak

    I've got one still banked, hoping for a straight up trade for a cloudkeeper leg at lvl37. Send me a message if interested.
  4. Hamslamwich

    #Closed WTB ilvl 50 Cloudkeeper Legplates

    The level 37 requirement version.
  5. Hamslamwich

    PTR - Updated DW Jackhammer Info

    Updated the post with data, please see above.
  6. Hamslamwich

    PTR - Updated DW Jackhammer Info

    Following data was gathered using a Theramore level 1 Dummy Target at 0% starting haste. Jackhammer procs have been confirmed to stack on the current PTR. Single buff refreshing is the same weapon proc'ing back to back. PPM (5 min span/1 min intervals/includes refreshes) 1 x Jackhammer - Proc =...
  7. Hamslamwich

    How much is this worth? (BoE cloak with GFed +12 agi)

    I have the same cape/+12 agility unused. Had it saved for my 39 shaman when 2h SoJ enh was a thing. I don't plan to use it if anyone's interested in trading.
  8. Hamslamwich

    #Closed WTB ilvl 50 Cloudkeeper Legplates

    If you have this item I would like to purchase it. Please contact me with details, thank you.
  9. Hamslamwich

    US #Closed/WTB ilvl 50 Stockade Pauldrons

  10. Hamslamwich

    US #Closed/WTB ilvl 50 Stockade Pauldrons

    Still looking f/Stock Pauldron.
  11. Hamslamwich

    US #Closed/WTB ilvl 50 Stockade Pauldrons

    I'll come to you. Please contact me, thank you.
  12. Hamslamwich

    US 39's Armory List
  13. Hamslamwich

    Queue AB/AV this Wednesday 8pm est

    I look forward to AB, CTF gets old.
  14. Hamslamwich

    Aquamarine Crafts [Will update every month]

    I've got 'of power' aqua on my warrior. Its more flavour than anything. Same as str. It used to not give any AP so I figured it was a bugged ring through a GM restore.
  15. Hamslamwich

    US 39's Battle Tag List

  16. Hamslamwich

    39's Roll Call! Scroll of Resurrection

    Dam I work that day, I'll try to sneak some games in before though.
  17. Hamslamwich

    armory of 39 arms/fury warrior?

    Hamslamwich @ Darkspear - Community - World of Warcraft Arms - Self buffed w/ trinket + weapon proc/swap I'm sitting at 1225 attk pwr.
  18. Hamslamwich

    39 Activity/Arenas! Part 2!!

    Supersizeit is back! Add me to bnet aswell - too bad jungjooman won't be with me this time. Send me a Bnet request; Hamslamwich#1850