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  1. youthinkhelovesyoufor

    US What is wrong with twinks now

    as far as I know district nineteen and turtle gang are the only groups around, I've seen some really bad play out of both guilds but yeah I suppose there's not really anyone to dispute them... lul the nineteen bracket is in an era never seen before, it's nothing like it was
  2. youthinkhelovesyoufor

    US just realized something

    at least we saw some zac c ^;
  3. youthinkhelovesyoufor

    @aislingyngaio try taking a dungeon/battleground queue whilst in the Gnomer instance, then...

    @aislingyngaio try taking a dungeon/battleground queue whilst in the Gnomer instance, then leaving said dungeon/battleground.
  4. youthinkhelovesyoufor

    US LFM Satchel runs!

    I have a bunch of 20s if that works. Phroncatf2p#1842
  5. youthinkhelovesyoufor

    EU+US Things to do at lvl 20. Revamped

    tab out and play other games whilst in queue c ^;
  6. youthinkhelovesyoufor

    US GG

    50 minutes? jesus fccking christ also horde won with all those brazils, impressive
  7. youthinkhelovesyoufor

    EU+US Screenshot Thread

    me no care if win or loss, me not look at scoreboard. me monkey hahaaaa xd me just make numbers hahaaaa xd
  8. youthinkhelovesyoufor

    EU+US Screenshot Thread

    like picture? me also no monkey brain shamen ! hahaaaa xd
  9. youthinkhelovesyoufor

    EU+US Screenshot Thread

    eyy look @ me im contributing very good stuff! hahaaaa xd me play av! me good! me no monkey brain! hahaaa xd
  10. youthinkhelovesyoufor

    lil bo weep

    lil bo weep
  11. youthinkhelovesyoufor

    EU+US Screenshot Thread

    for the record destro is much more op than affli
  12. youthinkhelovesyoufor


  13. youthinkhelovesyoufor

    US The greatest 19s of all time

    haha yeahhhh! woo hoooooooo
  14. youthinkhelovesyoufor

    EU+US /Flex your twinks /played time

    crip def wins this is phron, main acc password wrong o ^: my time played is not close to crip