Search results

  1. Mythic Al

    US Best Farmers/Gear List

    BTW, GG yesterday in that EotS. :)
  2. Mythic Al

    US Best Farmers/Gear List

    @AnyoneWhoHasAGM. :(
  3. Mythic Al

    US <Teldrassil Firefighters> - Alliance Kel'Thuzad Guild

    Bump! Let's get some BGs going!
  4. Mythic Al

    EU+US F2P picture thread

    Good sheet. Congrats! :D
  5. Mythic Al

    EU+US Yeti mog , TCG codes, Pet/mount shop : F2P or not F2P ?

    There's still hope. Fingers crossed for a Shadowlands Overhaul?
  6. Mythic Al

    EU+US Yeti mog , TCG codes, Pet/mount shop : F2P or not F2P ?

    I think Cataclysm servers would only be feasible if they do another World Overhaul with an upcoming expansion. The appeal of Classic/TBC/WotLK is that it's before Deathwing had his fun with Azeroth.
  7. Mythic Al

    EU+US Yeti mog , TCG codes, Pet/mount shop : F2P or not F2P ?

    Misplaced hope for street cred?
  8. Mythic Al

    EU+US Yeti mog , TCG codes, Pet/mount shop : F2P or not F2P ?

    Cold feet? Guess there's only one example of that kind of dork so far... Side note: Leveling in retail without heirlooms has a certain kind of fun to it.
  9. Mythic Al

    He might have meant "veteran".

    He might have meant "veteran".
  10. Mythic Al

    EU+US Yeti mog , TCG codes, Pet/mount shop : F2P or not F2P ?

    Don't forget your WoW Classic Twinks! There are probably 3-4 of them playing at level 20. I currently can only think of two examples, but might be a case to be made for IF2P (Impure F2P). Dorks like @Htag and I who have a Starter Edition account with Blizzard Shop goodies.
  11. Mythic Al

    EU+US F2P picture thread

    Yeah, It's one of the most common Rare BoEs found in the Dark Iron Treasure Chests in The Wetlands (documented in my Treasure Chest Hunting Guide). Both of my F2P Paladins have a pair of those.
  12. Mythic Al

    EU+US Yeti mog , TCG codes, Pet/mount shop : F2P or not F2P ?

    First round of testing with impure F2P Shop Purchases: I bought the mount on a brand new Starter Edition account. The mount itself gets auto-added to your collection, however, the...
  13. Mythic Al

    Yall are screwed now

    This thread reminds me of a time when I would spend my idle minutes/hours staring at the art of freshly printed strategy guides for RPGs (that were a lot more challenging than today's RPGs). That smell of fresh magazine paper and thick coat of printing ink... Nowadays it's all on some wiki...
  14. Mythic Al

    EU+US Yeti mog , TCG codes, Pet/mount shop : F2P or not F2P ?

    Just logged into an old HotS/HS account, seriously considering making 1 F2P character in WoW, and testing the waters on this impure F2P project.
  15. Mythic Al

    Guild Punishment Pagle alliance recruiting

    LOL, I was just trying to tell him to use the old thread in a really lame and round-about way. :confused:
  16. Mythic Al

    EU+US Yeti mog , TCG codes, Pet/mount shop : F2P or not F2P ?

    Since access to the shop for F2Ps is a very recent feature that wasn't announced. I am considering a new and completely separate pure F2P account that I would drop some money on in case this was an "Oops!" and eventually gets GFed.
  17. Mythic Al

    Guild Punishment Pagle alliance recruiting

    Curious how you were able to snag that guild name when it already exists on that realm: :rolleyes:
  18. Mythic Al

    EU+US Azshara High Level Transmog

    Post them here! :)
  19. Mythic Al

    The best of the best

    Most of us usually are sitting down while stating our opinions. You're the one who gets hostile and jumps out of the seat in response. You really never fail to make yourself look unhinged with your hostility about the Try-Hard rhetoric. Subjective opinions were provided by us PvErs to...
  20. Mythic Al

    EU+US Yeti mog , TCG codes, Pet/mount shop : F2P or not F2P ?

    I wholeheartedly agree with Chops.