Search results

  1. Sin'dor

    US Looking for Hallowed Wand - Ninja

    Fair enough... best of luck! ;)
  2. Sin'dor

    US Looking for Hallowed Wand - Ninja

    ...the implication was that whoever's been "using" them on you can buy it for next-to-nothing.
  3. Sin'dor

    US Looking for Hallowed Wand - Ninja

    The event has a "Wand Vendor"... you can just buy it with 2 "Treats".
  4. Sin'dor

    EU+US F2P picture thread

    No time for Scarlet Monastery shenanigans, yet... but me 'n Salem did come-across this creepy old lady who helped us "get our spooky on". ;)
  5. Sin'dor

    I'd like to humbly submit this as XPoff's new official "slogan"! :D

    I'd like to humbly submit this as XPoff's new official "slogan"! :D
  6. Sin'dor

    I'm just shocked that @Sketchbag could limit himself to a single "favorite" of anything! :D

    I'm just shocked that @Sketchbag could limit himself to a single "favorite" of anything! :D
  7. Sin'dor

    EU+US Azshara High Level Transmog

    Yeah, you specifically singled-out my "formatting spiel" for the extra effort... when in reality I had absent-mindedly typed it during a long phone-call. So, zero time/effort "invested", in that regard! :oops: We've been using that word a lot in this thread... I'm thinking we should simply...
  8. Sin'dor

    US SM Cath duo'd by F2P

    Hell yeah! Post a "runtime" and lets see if we can provoke some competing duo-speedruns! :cool: Man, don't come around here spouting crazy fantasies! Could you imagine how many things might be "solo-able" if such an overpowered-class existed? :eek:
  9. Sin'dor

    wtb signature art

    I obviously don't have anywhere near this level of artistic talent... but for only half of whatever @Twunxd is charging, I'd be willing to remove his watermark for you. :p
  10. Sin'dor

    EU+US F2P picture thread

  11. Sin'dor

    EU+US F2P picture thread

    In case anyone missed it, yesterday was The Great Gnomeregan Run... and things were a bit crowded at the "starting line". :D
  12. Sin'dor

    1 to 120 in a few hours - bannable?

    His claim isn't that you can get to 120 "in a few hours" by doing anything during party-sync, but that you can do it by specifically repeating the Northshire starting quests... ...a claim that should be quite simple to "prove", but until someone does it's "just talk". He's already posted it on...
  13. Sin'dor

    EU+US Party Sync / Party Sync Quest Guide

    I had intended to simply ignore such a lazy request... but eventually I realized that it would only take a few minutes to grab some mog-pix and add them, so why not? ;) least not for any single quest. If you party-sync before finishing all of your quests, then the loot can switch between...
  14. Sin'dor

    EU+US Veteran or 120 scaled?

    It appears that when it scales you down, it simply ignores all of the stats on your gear... you actually end-up with a Legion-style "template". It doesn't matter if you're wearing "all epics" or "all vendor-trash", your resultant stats should be identical. :confused:
  15. Sin'dor

    US Anything New?

    XPoff and XPon can "sync" with each-other, but your queue won't pop...
  16. Sin'dor

    US Anything New?

    Party-Sync also enables high-level characters (and classes) to scale themselves down for BGs...
  17. Sin'dor

    US Anything New?

    Some "highlights":
  18. Sin'dor

    F2P Mythical Darkmoon Faire Rewards Guide

    I'll "do you one better" (er, "worse"?)... some of the racing-mounts have "lost" abilities, effectively making it impossible to earn fastest-time achievements like Big Race Roadhog or Big Rocketeer: Gold! :eek:
  19. Sin'dor

    Farm Northshire quests daily for a week and then...

    I'm not sure that it's really possible to "determine" something that subjective... it really comes down to how your personal preferences or time-constraints are impacted by the quantity/quality/celerity/sanity of various quest-zones. ;) For whatever it's worth, here's some opinions from the...