Search results

  1. Flaxy

    Epic gear (19)

    Level 19 epic gear only drops on level 19s. Just low drop rates, will take some time to farm.
  2. Flaxy

    EU+US Top Tier

    You're expecting them to freeze AND walk out of melee range? Thats some high expectations
  3. Flaxy

    US WTS List of random stuff between BH/Illidan/AeriePeak

    I do not have a set price on any of these items, I prefer doing item trades but open to offers. a list of items im looking for is at the bottom of this post. Bleeding Hollow: Feathered Headdress x1 [E] Black Ogre Boots x1 [E] Green lens of quickblade [6crit/11vers] x1 Master Engineers...
  4. Flaxy

    EU+US Top Tier

    How would f2p afflic be higher than destro? Afflics dmg is low even as a vet, couldnt imagine as f2p. At least with destro you can do some harm.
  5. Flaxy

    Currently Listening To...

  6. Flaxy

    srs about metal illness

  7. Flaxy

    Currently Listening To...

    Can't believe I didnt find this sooner.
  8. Flaxy

    Quest Gear Depository (1-60) Does anyone know if this can upgrade?
  9. Flaxy

    EU+US Rogue Quest items - both factions!

    I got no main hand epics after running through the horde quests twice.. (not a huge deal besides the silverpine forrest stuff, like a 20quest chain) Then i hit waptor boots instead of the wep and it went to epic.. Officially on suicide watch. thank you for the list though @Bestworld
  10. Flaxy

    US WTB Epic Pale Skinner on BH or Illidan [Horde]

    Need level 20 scaled epic pale skinner, BH or Illidan. Horde side. Give me a price/btag in sig
  11. Flaxy

    EU+US Easy Vet Conversions?

    Not directly your question but if you wanted to roll some 20s, now is the best time xp wise. 15th anniversary + darkmoon faire xp stacks. Even on a f2p acc its quick as hell.
  12. Flaxy

    EU+US All relevant info to 20s for the Special Evennt :Alterac Valley

    Even the shield? Seems like it wouldnt be half bad for hpal/rsham.
  13. Flaxy

    EU+US All relevant info to 20s for the Special Evennt :Alterac Valley

    So are the weps worth going for in terms of bis or just for xmog at this point?
  14. Flaxy

    US Is there any class that benefits more from horde than alliance? (In terms of epics/quests)

    Guess it makes up for the boring ass races alliance has.
  15. Flaxy

    US Is there any class that benefits more from horde than alliance? (In terms of epics/quests)

    title. Seems like alliance is always better to go to for quests.
  16. Flaxy

    Diablo 4

    If i had to pick D4 or the next WoW xpac, I'd go D4.
  17. Flaxy

    EU+US F2P picture thread

  18. Flaxy

    US [Aerie-Peak] LF Epic Pacifier

    Looking to trade Epic Boulder Pads and Epic Black Ogre Kickers for Epic Pacifier. Alliance Side.
  19. Flaxy

    EU+US Rogue Quest items - both factions!

    @Bestworld Since some of these weapons have secondary stats while others dont, does that mean rogue has no "one specific build"? Is it just preference?