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    EU+US Raz hates positive vibes and fake streamers

    all of you are bad players and will never achieve greatness
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    EU+US Raz hates positive vibes and fake streamers

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    EU+US In Response to 'Best of 20s vs Best of 19s'

    ill have to pass on 10v10 i suck at that. and i come from 20's btw not 19's
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    EU+US In Response to 'Best of 20s vs Best of 19s'

    Let's see some shade and make for some competitive games. I'm down to play any bracket babes
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    EU+US In Response to 'Best of 20s vs Best of 19s'

    I'm down to settle this dispute of 3v3 arena at endgame tbh. Who else is down? And tbh I think both brackets have good players. 19's play wsg better, 20's do arena better Bc we are a smaller community and only have enough to do just that so that's all we do.
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    GG's to all whom played in the f2p tourney! it was very fun!

    GG's to all whom played in the f2p tourney! it was very fun!
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    EU+US Official F2P Championship Qualifier Signup Venue

    hey trial im streaming the most broken comps ww mm disc. ban this not everything else that u banned ding dong
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    EU+US Official F2P Championship Qualifier Signup Venue

    Interesting bans as those comps weren't the ones I saw an issue with
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    US <halaani whiskey> BleedingHollow Horde

    20 10v10 don't sound too bad if u ask me.
  10. Delayed leveling a new f2p rogue! leveling a new f2p rogue!
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    EU+US list your Twink Cup Dream Team

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    US Current 20-29 btags

    you should make this a massive list and order it alphabetically ;P
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    HeyGuys lets get the 20-29 bracket alive again? ill be streaming bg's /...

    HeyGuys lets get the 20-29 bracket alive again? ill be streaming bg's / skirms / wargames / and more!