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  1. Kibbies

    Questions & Answers

    Every hour there's a dark iron attack, when enough people frnd them off then they drop an item that is a daily turnin
  2. Kibbies

    Best of 24's

    But who is best bully? Bully is best bully (rip EPIC lol)
  3. Kibbies

    Check it out, hit me up.

    And yet another f2p finds 20 bucks on the ground and goes p2p ;( Na just playin, gl selling account and w/e after
  4. Kibbies

    Post Your F2P Bank

    Was a pound sign really necessary there
  5. Kibbies

    What really grinds my gears?

    Voice of an angel! Do you take requests? ;)
  6. Kibbies

    Best of 24's

    Mmmmm... Softlock Swoops Sally Zara Whatta ya mean my list is biased? (Vashj represent lol :D )
  7. Kibbies

    What really grinds my gears?

    If you consider yourself an elitist/are an elitist then this bracket isn't for you... lol
  8. Kibbies

    Got a rant, had a bad day? TELL IT HERE

    He got banned because he was repeatedly (I assume false) accused and flamed of being la'haryl/wily even though all the posts he made were in no way offensive, if not constructive. Unless I mossed something that's how it seemed to me he got banned... false accusations imo but w/e
  9. Kibbies

    Got a rant, had a bad day? TELL IT HERE

    He never defends himself he just wants to be left alone, judging from the last 10 arguments. Just leave it alone, everyone and their dog knows the beef you got against him by now -_- Idc either way but this is just pure redundant :l
  10. Kibbies

    Got a rant, had a bad day? TELL IT HERE

    Outplayed :)
  11. Kibbies

    Screenshot Thread!

    Re: Screenshot Thread! Eyepatch farms u once more huehuehue
  12. Kibbies

    WPvp - AQ Signup!

    ... hoorayy Yea it was a fun event, although even more hectic/chaotic than the other wpvp events, it was a good experience haha. Playing mage was really fun and enjoyable there. I feel the mass of players on horde had no idea what was going on, the only ones in skype were me living and spike...
  13. Kibbies

    F2P and 5.4

    Lol that's almost as much hp as my old 60
  14. Kibbies

    Farmed consumables

    Does this stuff actually scale down or is it like the gear scaling where it says its one thing and your stats are another?
  15. Kibbies

    Good bye f2p

    Wasn't meant to be sassy really, op posted 3 words so I matched it with 3 words, curious who he played /shrug
  16. Kibbies

    Good bye f2p

    Who r u
  17. Kibbies

    First thoughts on 5.4

    The only pvp ill consider doing is maybe arathi basin, but its ok I'm sure plenty of brazilians will que to be target dummies for you guys.
  18. Kibbies

    25 Tabards

    Does the standard gray guild tab count
  19. Kibbies

    20-29 Screenshot thread!

    Re: 20-24 Screenshot thread! Tronklropt #1 warrior US
  20. Kibbies

    The Brag Call Thread

    Got mm on my mage this morning, head to wetlands on my sham right after and mm on the very next chest I get too =)