Search results

  1. EU WTB TWINK ITEMS 875++ PLUS BLOOD RELIC paying goood!

    I am looking for 2M for it. Less if we circumvent the AH tax.
  2. EU WTB TWINK ITEMS 875++ PLUS BLOOD RELIC paying goood!

    890 Eyasu + Leech if interested. We can negotiate price.
  3. EU WTS Aethrynn 890

    Bump. I am selling it at 500k.
  4. EU WTS Eyasu's Mulligan 890 + Leech

    Hey there, I am looking for 2.5M for it. If you have to realm transfer (the most probable option) I am willing to pay half of it.
  5. EU WTS Aethrynn 890

    Item is listed on Exodar (EU). Willing to listen to offers.
  6. EU WTS Eyasu's Mulligan 890 + Leech

    Hey there, as title says, this is as good as it gets. Item is listed on Exodar (EU). Willing to listen to offers.