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  1. Selling arena boost 2.2k for mages,priest,rshaman,rogues.

    Alyax, your talking absolute fucking bullshit. c y@
  2. Selling arena boost 2.2k for mages,priest,rshaman,rogues.

    If you do queue into someone on a differen't bg it takes atleast over 6-7 mins, normally we get queues in like 4-5 min
  3. Selling arena boost 2.2k for mages,priest,rshaman,rogues.

    Are you stupid, you are on a different battlegroup to us.. We're on Misery and you're on some other bg.. Cyclone i think.. You don't queue into people from different bgs, sometimes but yeah..
  4. Selling arena boost 2.2k for mages,priest,rshaman,rogues.

    And also Aylax, i'd love to face you in 2v2, queue into us sometime, whenever floats your boat, Spriest/hpala vs rogue/rdruid
  5. Selling arena boost 2.2k for mages,priest,rshaman,rogues.

    Because they don't play... I talk to them more or less nearly all day xD and Switchx is playing with me a lot throughout the day, thats how we pushed rank 2.
  6. Selling arena boost 2.2k for mages,priest,rshaman,rogues.

    And also, there was teams playing above 2k mmr, there was a UH dk/disc and there was a rogue/disc, (won them both cus we're best world)
  7. Selling arena boost 2.2k for mages,priest,rshaman,rogues.

    How does someone get 2.3k with that many wins? he has 75 wins and is 2.3k, obviously you don't understand the concept of having high mmr, having high mmr and facing high mmr teams gives more rating than what you would get from facing a 1700 team. Who would be sad enough to wintrade at a twink...
  8. It has been born.
