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  1. Trying to start a community

    wow just found a 4th f2p twink i was going for my 2nd AM (which i was stopped by a 85 rogue) and a lvl 20 feral jumped in nd went after me i of course killed her (HUNTA STYLE) (by bashing 1,2,3 and holding s) anyways theres 5 f2p twinks going for agm now? though it was just me :( need moar horde...
  2. PvP music!

  3. bis weapon for druid

    A staff is BiS bracers? Hardcorrrreee. I'm assuming you linked wrong thing? Also im pretty sure BiS druid horde bracers are unisured bracers? chain starts in Ratchet forget the quests name correct me if im wrong though
  4. PvP music!

    i listen to brick house... and when i play rogue i only open when it says "Oh she's a brick... HOUSE" which at times pisses my teammates off
  5. Trying to start a community

    Hmm, seems i already found a few f2p twinks but i dont think they know about TI since i made an alli toon and their not on f2ptwink channel kinda cool i ran into 3 alliance guys when going for my 2nd AM a 20 rogue named shadow a 20 protadin named warrex and a 20 hunter named imcomin all on maiev...
  6. Trying to start a community

    yeah i have 4 AP toons but the agm competition kinda bugged me i'd be glad to hop on them in some intense 10v10 bgs or some arena (once they have their heirlooms) but until then i just wanted to see if 1-2 ppl wanted to join up for the easy agm :D
  7. Trying to start a community

    im attempting to start a small community of twinks on maiev its pretty much a dead server (used to be a small 24 and 19 group of twinks) gurubashi is empty im not trying to start something like AP but i kinda wana 2-3 ppl i can talk to and hang out with from time to time plz join maiev as horde...
  8. BoA questions (ROGUE)

    actually dubbs i rolled shaman then fury war then feral druid then rogue then pally then hunt. Get your facts straight plz
  9. BoA questions (ROGUE)

    yeah i understand there are already tons of hunters but i kinda hate getting facerolled so im going to roll one idc aout the fact that their kinda an unfair class but most of the "BEST" players on AP are hunts also hes currently lvl 19
  10. BoA questions (ROGUE)

    i've decided to drop my rogue and roll a hunt so instead of this rogue i have a hunter (Not on AP) for easy agm he is horde and currently lvl 14 (will prob be 20 and geared by end of the day)
  11. BoA questions (ROGUE)

    so since vengance is gone im done with my protadin (turned him ret but got bored of popping 700dmg cs) so im working on a rogue and hes basicly BiS w/o boas and agm and has 1500 honor points and i was wondering what heirlooms to get? since i see alot of ppl using the honor shoulders i was...