Search results

  1. Why people who say this bracket takes no skill are so wrong

    Yes. No. This is my accounts name. No. Also: I've proved twice now that we're not the same account. If you want to try and argue with the other guy I suggest you come up with good stuff not derailing it into hey you posted on the same account twice (Which he didn't)
  2. WTS shadowfangs USD

  3. WTS shadowfangs USD

  4. WTS shadowfangs USD

    You're right. My mistake, I do apologize. I will only be selling ONE shadowfang at this time. Thanks!
  5. WTS shadowfangs USD

    I have a shadowfang that I will sell for: $75 I transfer to you $50 if you're buying it on Skywall $50 if you're buying it on bleeding hollow (I transfer to you) Thanks!
  6. Interesting bug?

    Yeah the stats still apply. Thanks, this guy used to be a 19 and 29 twink. I have a bad habit of leveling my twinks. I have a warrior with the super leet mace that looks like a skull, and This rogue has two shadowfangs on him, lol. Then again, they used to cost 300g and I never worried about it ha!
  7. Interesting bug?

    Yeah I have them equipped Armory for proof Ignore the name, it was an inside joke (I know it's spelled rogue) And in case anyone cares I'll explain how this worked out for me. my 64 rogues name is: Rougezillia, the difference...
  8. Interesting bug?

    I had a GM restore gear for one of my characters, and he gave me gear from my level 64 rogue to my level 34 rogue. I have item level 85 boots / 88 cape on a 34 lol. Has anything like this ever happened before? They are quest items so they have no level req. Perfectly Balanced cape + Sure-Step...
  9. Two shadowfangs for sale!

    Then I'll do it whichever way suits a 0 rep person heh. I am partially looking for a quick sale, but at the same time I want to get the most gold I can out of these two swords.. I have no intention of scamming anyone, and would love to do a trade whichever way you guys see fit.
  10. Two shadowfangs for sale!

    Would prefer gold I'm not sure how it works, but even though I have the two shadowfangs on skywall, I would very much enjoy gold on the server Stormreaver-US I can also do Twisting Nether, Sargeras
  11. Two shadowfangs for sale!

    Currently on Skywall US Horde server on my character snufleupagus I have two Shadowfangs that I'll sell. Thanks! This is my first time I don't know how this works, I'll be checking back on this thread periodically while I level one of my characters for a while.