Search results

  1. < Cant Afford LK > Eitrigg[US] is now recruiting!

    Bump for a great guild!
  2. < Cant Afford LK > Eitrigg[US] is now recruiting!

    We will have a recruitment video up when I get around to it, and a website. You won't be disappointed in this guild :)
  3. Cant Afford LK recruiting

    Mini let me do it >.>
  4. are daggers the best set up for rogues?

    If you are going to be playing Sublety, use an 1.80 MH, 1.80 OH set. Mutilate is 1.80 MH, 1.40 OH. NEVER use swords as sublety, unless you have warglaives as the haste proc makes up for it, and they look amazing. The reason you are doing low damage could be your spec, rotation, or gear. Backstab...
  5. < Cant Afford LK > Eitrigg[US] is now recruiting!

    < Cant Afford LK > is a brand new 70 twink guild on Eitrigg Alliance. We are hoping to form a successful guild where everyone can enjoy the game their own way. We range from hardcore raiders who go to every single event and never miss a raid, to casuals who occasionally play their 70s and use...