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  1. this shit should get revived

    Nu pratar jag om konversationen om DDOS etc. Vill du snacka om det gör vi det privat eller så släpper du det och ser glad ut.
  2. this shit should get revived

    You're out of this arguement? You created it, you started the arguement. Smutsiga jävla negerbarn.
  3. this shit should get revived

    Read it again please. If you look closely it says, "any more" Best Regards, Nivixen.
  4. this shit should get revived

    Legacy, if you failed with reviving the bracket why even bother create this thread? ****OFFTOPIC****Kalle, ifall du vill diskutera om saken så ta det gärna i PM eller något. (Då detta inte har något med tråden att göra.)****OFFTOPIC**** Legacy, why would it be our problem to revive the bracket...
  5. this shit should get revived

    Dear Legacy, I am going to share with you my How-To Guide about reviving activity in hordes side of the 10-14 twinking bracket. Step 1: Make a 10 twink. Step 2: Create/join a guild. Step 3: Recruit people. Step 4: Be active. Step 5: Enjoy the bracket.
  6. this shit should get revived

    This bracket is fulled of annoying, irritating and immature people and kids. Those are one of the reasons most of horde players don't want to "revive" it. I am not pointing any fingers, hate as much as you want but if you want to see any change, make it yourself. If people on Draenor...