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  1. LF epic Pacifier

    You rock. Did my beautiful benefactor work something out with you?
  2. Which old video games do you still play?

    I really have been enjoying it so far. It's definitely faster paced, has an actual lock on system and a dodge roll so its not as clunky. They also kept the attack timings in by having "perfect hits". you can spam to fight if u want but u do a lot less than if you combo correctly. There's a lot...
  3. Which old video games do you still play?

    I really like how you underline mcdonalds do you get into copywright trouble if you post without the underlines edit: I've been on diablo 2 and phantasy star online. now im playin pso2 since open betas up(on fking xbox). probably the best console action mmo ive played for what thats worth
  4. WEST CLASSIC TWINKS. Games are imbalanced. Can we still make it interesting?

    tbh twinkers used to duel it out in wsg. It wasnt the best thing to do since it usually puts one side or another at a disadvantage, and those precocious little hunters always find a way to get mixed up in the action... I'm sure if horde and ally could organize a 10v10 or maybe even a majority...
  5. Safespotting and other BS in WSG

    rofl do u j/o to best of lists ohhh damn look at that warlock curve it pulls me in, then i see that druid thoo ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  6. LF epic Pacifier

    id need 2, im farming somewhat heavily rn but i appreciate the help.
  7. Epic Upgrade LIST (V e T) ?

    lmao you're such a tryhard
  8. LF epic Pacifier

    On kelthuzad, not gonna xfer or spend money HMU on here and I'll get at u edit: scaled lvl 20
  9. Epic Upgrade LIST (V e T) ?

    lmao jwl did u legit just call someone a fan. I guess someones gotta ride your hype train
  10. Server split traction

    les do it
  11. Safespotting and other BS in WSG

    no spot is safe from these threads
  12. Turtling in PUGs

    pugs don't really know how to group and push, so they default to either running into mid and dying on respawn, or running back into their own base to aimlessly attack the opposing offense
  13. 1

    with a build like that hed never make it through ally fence
  14. Classic 19s For Dummies Guide

    I totally see it. It's honestly nice to see threads like these where the info shared is the focal point, and not whatever twinkthug flex they poster has in mind. Shame pugging is still abysmal but with such a small reach all twink info can do is worry about its own and (maybe) not be scum when...
  15. Classic 19s For Dummies Guide

    gr9 info twinker
  16. A trick to destroy the entire thing?

    if hes in an unreachable spot then you make a post about it
  17. 10 man turtle 2-0 down?

    wow do you do birthdays cus you lookin like a clown
  18. Johneffer Prep Log

    ya thats great and all but lets see u do some wall jumps
  19. Comparisons between all races/genders on commonly used jumps.

    thanks for the info twinker