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  1. US player tier list

    Considering the only person I named specifically was Mvq and since he generally Fc's you're correct, 0 of the people I talked about use consumables because Mvq cant process another keybind for consumables.
  2. US player tier list

    I didnt necessarily mean on cd but when gliders and speed pots are like 20 silver each why not burn through them in pugs. Obviously I cant use them in wargames, hell generally speaking I dont even fc in wargames I always end up on another character healing because I've never claimed to be the...
  3. US player tier list

    Render time and upload time on college wifi sucks.
  4. US player tier list

    Will do tomorrow, I need to get some sleep I've got work in the morning.
  5. US player tier list

    Did you miss me literally saying I'll upload the video of the game.
  6. US player tier list

    which part?
  7. US player tier list

    I can but not tonight considering I've already logged off for the night as well as most of the others. And you're piggy backing on my use of consums but i can literally upload the video of that game... I didnt use any other than swiftness pots and gliders My question is in your 10 man are you...
  8. US player tier list

    Ok yes I have them, doesn't mean they were used? If you don't have them then that's on you. And before you post saying "its grey it was used" they go grey after the game ends because they're not usable anymore. Also obviously the swiftness pot was used as well as the glider (and battle standard...
  9. US player tier list

    you were in all three of my games tonight
  10. US player tier list

    Whats your excuse this time @Mvq
  11. US player tier list

    Game ended in a draw, but doesn't matter to us, we were laughing too much because we made ripduck rage quit the game before then you rage quit this game. We're enjoying ourselves not really try harding.
  12. US player tier list

    Idk why'd you rage quit against me instead of staying for your 14th loss?
  13. US player tier list

    Wasnt taking it away per say, I was disproving his claim.
  14. US player tier list

    He called him self the best fc in the bracket. Therefore self proclaimed.
  15. US player tier list

    @Nature tbh im not hardstuck i just dont care enough, its a game, I've led every group of mine thats gotten to 2k, I get tired of baby sitting so I quit. If I wasn't the leader or if i just pugged id be higher I just don't care enough to do either of those things I have no reason to. Also I made...
  16. US player tier list

    Alright lets go over some things, 1. I cant back peddle due to the fact that my S key isnt even bound. 2. I don't keyboard turn. 3. I'll agree with the consumables part, I do spam swiftness pots and gliders. As far as Third Wind potions which im sure you're really talking about, I dont spam them...
  17. US player tier list

    I dont do drama, but I will say when I fc'd the other night we queued into you and your stack, we won 13 times to your 0. Hard to call yourself the best fc with those odds against me.
  18. Black husk shield

    Depending on your server I'll take it off your hands.
  19. What's gonna happen...

    Catering to you people? Im sorry isnt this a twink site? Therefore if you're on here shouldn't "You people" include yourself. So calling us childish is insulting yourself. I'm not saying that its a fair playing field for non-twinks but it's a choice they make to bg when they're leveling. Also...
  20. What's gonna happen...

    You've been calling for hour long queues and camping rares for weeks on end for BiS?