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  1. Kamandi888

    Cataclysm 14s and 29s

    I forgot the anguish of farming charged gears. The I realized there are Cata rings from SM and RFK quests that are better. FAIL. Data mining ftw.
  2. Kamandi888

    Cataclysm 14s and 29s

    Almost finished three 14s for Cataclysm pop and one 29. Makrik horde server.
  3. Kamandi888

    Consensus on Cataclysm Classic Brackets

    Nice hat...
  4. Kamandi888

    Consensus on Cataclysm Classic Brackets

    My horde toons are on Mankrik -- I have three 14s almost done. My rogue is complete -- finishing hunter and drood. I am stockpiling chants and gear. My priest is going 29s. Maybe a 29 rogue.
  5. Kamandi888

    Consensus on Cataclysm Classic Brackets

    @Sponsor -- what server are you on?
  6. Kamandi888

    Consensus on Cataclysm Classic Brackets

    I haven't played retail since WoD and this "in MOP and WOD 29s were not a thing" is a false statement.
  7. Kamandi888

    Consensus on Cataclysm Classic Brackets

    I was thinking the big expansion of viable specs in Cata would increase 29s. Shadow Priests with Shadow Form, Pallies with some actual burst, droods droods droods, etc. Also Panda will be a serious classic expansion and people would be jumping in now in anticipation of that xpac. Maybe...
  8. Kamandi888

    Consensus on Cataclysm Classic Brackets

    Good day, I twinked a bit back in the very early days of WoW and loved 29s during WOTLK, and I have twinks in Classic in 19s, but for me twinking really began when Cata popped. At first I did the "disposable hero" approach by stacking heirlooms/greens on a level 10 and running in non XP OFF...