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  1. Yayo

    The origin of our name

    Lyrics for the username when I was young. I now go by initials + yo. no powder up this nose :)
  2. Yayo

    Fun with Enhancement builds

    Currently using Mok with +dmg and ef offhand with windfury/flametongue, but thinking double ef felt better. 1200 stormstrikes do feel good though. I just like the option of being able to use elemental blast from ranged if needed, especially since i've seen it hit for 800+ with little mastery...
  3. Yayo

    Fun with Enhancement builds

    Spellhance is still fun just using Mok mh with + wep dmg and you can still use stormstrike. Less hipster tho
  4. Yayo

    Fun with Enhancement builds

    fireflash dream and tbc shoulders, chest, gloves, belt, legs and boots have been fun. Boots and belt come from quests ofc. (Auchenai Boots and Tarren belt). I use Blackout Truncheon offhand though with ef.
  5. Yayo


    Nothing like dropping that counterstrike and nearly globaling a surv as they harpoon in.
  6. Yayo

    Your dopest niché item SL

    Destiny is cool and all but where the jackhammers @?
  7. Yayo

    People we miss the most playing with/against

    Miss Irratigank <\3
  8. Yayo

    F2P & Vet Armory List [SHADOWLANDS]

    Need more enh Ebyo - Character (
  9. Yayo

    Staff of the One True Bramble King

    I smell a troll
  10. Yayo

    Twentified Patch Notes [August 9th Hotfix]

    Bring back prot warr dps.
  11. Yayo

    How much would this be worth ilvl 60 req 18 ?

    Likely can't equip so just report the tooltip bug.
  12. Yayo

    Spring has arrived and changed Wandering Ancient mount

    Excited to see how Autumn looks
  13. Yayo

    WTB Lvl 20 Flurry Axe(s)

    I need to move my vets over to another account and still gear my rogue. Appreciate it though.
  14. Yayo

    WTB Lvl 20 Flurry Axe(s)

    I'll be resubbing tonight and I'll message you on bnet :p
  15. Yayo

    Always happens while my rogues are horde :)

    Always happens while my rogues are horde :)
  16. Yayo

    WTB Lvl 20 Flurry Axe(s)

    Lmk fam, I'll gladly move a rogue over to play with more homies since I've been maining alli.
  17. Yayo

    WTB Lvl 20 Flurry Axe(s)

    Hey all. Looking for 2 lvl 20 req Flurry Axes preferably on BH. PM me :)
  18. Yayo

    Best Caster Spec right now / caster tier list

    feral w bramble is cooler
  19. Yayo

    Wtb lvl 20 Flury Axe <3

    Wtb lvl 20 Flury Axe <3
  20. Yayo

    Twentified Patch Notes [August 9th Hotfix]

    First time I've seen anyone else rock my wep combo :p