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  1. While 29s lay dormant

    LOL80-84s *runs and hides* amidoinirite? On a serious note, 80-84 the natural HP difference just seems wierd i mean all the secondary stats dont mean that much if your opponet has x3 the HP as you granted i dont play the bracket *shrugs* to me if you're that close to 85 id just play...
  2. 29 US Fight Nights

    I always thought it was ego's that doomed every bracket.......
  3. While 29s lay dormant

    hrm it would appear i am trolling but its for entertainment and attempting to lighten the mood. All these 29s threads just make us look bad
  4. While 29s lay dormant

    *Flies into thread* Hrm i was mentioned. *in asian grandmaster sensei voice* Like Yin and Yang Willy and nastay continue their eternal struggle
  5. While 29s lay dormant

    how about you both calm the fuck down and stop arguing like you do in every thread, i guess willy dont knock the bracket till you try it.
  6. 29 US Fight Nights

    darnit i tried to divert the rage
  7. 29 US Fight Nights

    I like how i pretty much turned this thread from a rage fest into well not a rage fest. #1 thread manipulator
  8. 29 US Fight Nights

    Dude that was your 666th post O.O as for our resident canadian i forgot his Canadian who is just kind of there and protected by the heroes but atleast he smokes alot
  9. 29 US Fight Nights

    Hrm an interesting day indeed Heroes:Fcftw,Zelpher's rogue Damsel in distress who secretly beats the snot out of people but was tricked into being captured or something:Daydra Overzealous Crusader who is bent on defeating the evil Igotoparties and evil willy:Nastay Comedy relief:Buck...
  10. 29 US Fight Nights

    All in due time Fc all in due time. IE after i get off work later lol
  11. 29 US Fight Nights

    i try thank you *bows*
  12. 29 US Fight Nights

    A cold stormy night as a chilling rain falls from the heavens. Fcftw must climb to the top of the tallest tower to rescue fair daydra, however this tower is full of azeroth's worst nightmares, 13 S-keying hunters all named some variant of legolas. *plays epic music* *shows scenes of...
  13. 29 US Fight Nights

    Buck can be the comedy relief. Roudy everymovie can use a bad warrior, you'll be the warrior who waits for a rogue to open on somebody then jump in becaues you know you'll be kited without the rogue.
  14. 29 US Fight Nights

    True everystory must have a fair maiden, a damsel in distress. Who will be the brave hero who steps up to save daydra!(for the ultimate irony BERNZ lol)
  15. 29 US Fight Nights

    Dammit there is like a media limit or something Ok soundtrack Epic background music(click on the first link when you youtube it looks like the iwo jima monument) Dies Irae O verona(the 1:33 variant) Carmina Burana O fortuna I dont think now is the best time Unstoppable from Posthumus...
  16. 29 US Fight Nights

  17. 29 US Fight Nights

    Movie Cast Zuladin:Often times known as Zul, the switzerland of the bracket, usually very level headed and doesnt rage to much. Generally willing to roll with the punches and keep queueing despite the steamrolls. Decently skilled and oddly enough well liked around 29s. Minowaman: Also...
  18. 29 US Fight Nights

    In the barren wastes of WSG there lurked a hunter who knew no fear(well there are really no 29 locks and if a hunter gets feared by a priest)....and was often.....*dramatic music* POCKET HEALED. The average horde alone was usually no match because HUNTERZ R GUD AT GAM although some horde seeked...
  19. 29 US Fight Nights

    Is the bracket past redemption? *ominous epic movie music* With the fall of the alliance randoms the core alliance forces are to few in number to muster up a team against the Horde. The Horde cant have all of their players faction switch because then the horde are low on numbers...
  20. 29 US Fight Nights

    Franchi sir i applaud you