Search results

  1. Wsg hax party curtesy of celmer

    I would like to make a post saying that dynasty does not condone exploits, we can shun members but I do not kick people for such actions ether. All I can do is state that I do not agree with this, and Ask my member to please stop doing it.
  2. Good Frost Mages?

    Wouldnt happen to be Celmer would it?
  3. ShadowFang US for sale not transferring

    I gotta ask, how much $$$ does someone pay for a Sf?
  4. The Theme Song

    someone being alittle desperate for attention?
  5. looking for active 19 twink ally guild

    Feel free to hit me up on Elune, type /who Grim lol all my toons start with that, I could be on one of my 85s, Grimalday, Grimlaw, Grimaldo but any 19 starting with those is most likely me. What classes?
  6. The Theme Song

    Kudos on a great Thread concept, Its simple and I'm truly surprised I haven't seen it before. Grimagro-Warrior-Skindred-Nobody Grim-Hunter-MSI- Mastermind Grimblessing-Priest-Otep- T.R.I.C Grimshifter-Druid-Korn- Freak on a Leash Grimadin-Paladin-Powerman 5000- When...
  7. looking for active 19 twink ally guild

    Dynasty-Elune is always recruiting and I like to think were pretty active. what class do your play, will you be transferring, rerolling, If your rerolling would you be willing to lvl a main for funding or are you looking for funding, so on so forth.
  8. First 19 rogue to 3000 returns?

    Wasnt tryin to be mean, just stating, that every game Ive been in that you return alot, I wouldnt see you intill the flag is returned. just a benefit for your class I guess :)
  9. First 19 rogue to 3000 returns?

    How many of those returns did you wait in stealth intill you knew you could get the last shot and get the return?
  10. Us 19 ab day

    aweeee....Sundays are my main day to play lol.....and now looks like a great majority of the community wants to que AB, guess sunday has turned into Main Day! lol Edit: On a side note I do hope this goes well for everyone, anything for the community to change up a routine and have some fun. :D
  11. Horde to Alliance (US)

    Bump for sheer curiosity
  12. Search for (only) for AB on ALL mondays!

    Eh, Im probably just biased due to the fact that I dislike resource games period.
  13. Search for (only) for AB on ALL mondays!

    AB sucks without mounts, way to spaced out.....I personally refuse to que for it, just way to slow/boring
  14. Dynasty is Back, and Actively Recruiting :D

    I am Bumping this cause Dynasty is still recruiting, premade team is pretty much full other than we need a active good Arcane Mage, If you wish to join us everyone is welcome and everyone is welcome to try out for premade team. If you are good you will be rotated in for premades.
  15. Upcoming Races/Class: Discusion

    I have thought quite abit about this myself, they have mentioned a expansion about the emerald dream. With that I can see. Races Horde-Ogre (Rexxar being so closely tied with the Horde) or Centaur (the fued between centaurs and taurens coming to a end) Ally-Naga(use to be High Elves) or...
  16. Premade Strats

    So, Ive been looking around and I havent seen any threads about Premade strategies with the latest patch. Anyone have any kind of premade ideas, Legit please, any input would be very helpful. Dynasty is just about premade ready and I am curious about any ideas people may have.
  17. Bravo Company Signet

    You dont even have to start at three corners, go straight to the mayor, do the quests from him. then the chain will open up for keeshan
  18. Saxxon list follow up

    I would say certian achievements are rating increases,as well ask HKs as that does show experience, in alot of cases experience plays a huge part in the player as a whole. Statistics as in win-loss ratio counted (if there was a way to track how many time's someone afk's that should be considered...
  19. Saxxon list follow up

    If we were going to make such a list we really need to set Goals as a twink community, what would be considered good feats. what kind of things would improve rating and what kind of things would decrease. we find a list that covers everything and we could probably actually set up something up so...