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  1. Crazy Victory / Score Screenshots

    This just happened, randomly. I was resto, Chirak is prot warr. Hella fun lol. Next, a display of what an awesome warr can do with a little bit of assistance (i.e. rooting hunters). Guildie of mine. It would be good to mention that I was healing as a feral at this time, and my resto...
  2. Bleed kite

    I'm specced 16/0/4 and I use glyph of garrote. With 330 AP, the tooltip says it does 450 dmg over time. Then again, I'm not sure if that 450 is after or before % increase calculations, or taking AP into account. What I know is that it ticks for 98. Not bad if you ask me. Haven't tried 5 point...
  3. Agi-Crit ratio for 29???

    for my druid, 6 agi gives around 0.68% crit if I recall correctly, so it would be like 1 agi = 0.1% crit, a little bit more
  4. glasscannon cat druid

    By the way, I just thought about it, and maybe kitties at 29 are not so underpowered. My 29 combat rogue twink hits for 270 SS crits on clothies, and my Shreds as a kittie hit for about the same. While the rogue crits for 500-600 evis if lucky, the bleeds from the kittie (plus the seal fate...
  5. WSG Premade Discussion

    1 prot warr fc 2 priests 1 resto druid 6 mm hunters druid sticks with fc with another priest, the other priest sticks to the huntards, who make sure to keep flares all over the place. Enjoy your winning.
  6. glasscannon cat druid

    make a balanced feral druid, as with your limited abilities at 29 you can't burst anyone. I played feral for a while, until I made my rogue and rerolled resto. I may switch from time to time, in fact I plan on leveling him to 39 to roll feral again... as a 29 feral druid, you can basically do...
  7. 29 rogue spec..?

    somebody confirm this, but I thought when you applied sharpening stones, you benefited from the bonus regardless of the hand in which they are applied? I say this because when I dual applied +2 sharpening stones, my char sheet would show both hands with a +4 bonus. If this works as I think...
  8. 29 frost mage

    glyphs of evocation and icy veins are cool, but they are useful once every 4 or 3 minutes... Glyph of blink helps each 15 sec, and is great for eventually carrying the flag. I think I'd manage with lifeblood alone.
  9. 29 frost mage

    it's not fun, that's why I'm talking about balancing dishing damage with controlling enemies. Ofc I would avoid hunters like the plague.
  10. 29 frost mage

    I'm leveling a frost mage and I'd like to know what specs/gear/glyphs I should be focusing on. I have thought about using this spec: Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft However, I can't decide if I should go 3/3 ice shards and 3/3 shatter, or 3/3 piercing ice and 3/3 shatter or blizzard...
  11. Naked Hunter project

    It's hilarious when you Dismantle them just before they Disengage without wingclipping you
  12. Why Mongoose over Crusader?

    nice reply :D ok, just to clarify, I didn't really mean 35 agi is terrible, It's just that I find it to be very inferior to crus and goose. I can see how you are right about your second statement: the burst damage can be boosted by a static enchant. Even though by the time you have 5 combo...
  13. Check this guy's armory...

    I wouldn't count on that lol
  14. Check this guy's armory...

    and tell me what makes you go NEEEEEERD RAAAAGEEEEEEE The World of Warcraft Armory
  15. Why Mongoose over Crusader?

    care to elaborate ^^?
  16. FOTM Roller, Shaman for 3.2 :P

    I can't see how shamans can be better healers at this bracket than druids. Shamans don't have the 70% ignore pushback talent, and druids also have the -0.5 sec to healing touch, and they can even choose the -30% dispelled heals talent, if instead of HT spam they prefer to throw HoTs to keep on...
  17. 29 rogue spec..?

    thats quite a bunch of gear you got in that bank of yours lol! I wonder what made you choose to wear 2x thornspikes instead of scout's blade+thornspike (I guess you were looking for max AP, and TP ain't got none, but 2x thornspike for that extra 1 agi at the cost of 3 sta and some dps is...
  18. 29 rogue spec..?

    this is the 16/0/4 spec I (and any other rogue) reccomend for sustained dps along with enough burst to scare people. With this build you'd be looking at cheapshot/ambush openers followed by backstabs up to a killer eviscerate. You can switch...
  19. Why Mongoose over Crusader?

    +35 agi is plain terrible for feral druids. Kitties MUST use a proc-based enchant. The exploitable attack speed in cat form and the procrate mechanics make crus/mongoose a proc-ahoy heaven for cats. For example, with The Pacifier, crusader would have a 4*1,82= 7'3 aprox procrate. If you are in...
  20. shadow priest

    I still can't understand why would anyone pick elder's pants of healing over Gaze Dreamer's Pants.