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  1. US WTS Silvershell leggings Emerald Dream

    Yes willing to xfer - but also willing to pay more if u xfer to me
  2. WTS Ribsplitter of the Tiger

    Hi there, selling this baby on US Trollbane. Willing to trade for Silvershell Leggings
  3. US WTS Silvershell leggings Emerald Dream

    Ok, so to reiterate my 1st post - how much gold are u talking about?
  4. US WTS Silvershell leggings Emerald Dream

    Hi again, I recently managed to aquire a Ribsplitter of the Tiger, and noticed ur post about willing to trade your Silvershell Leggings for one! Think we can do a deal?
  5. US WTS Silvershell leggings Emerald Dream

    What kind of gold are we talking here? Im interested in them, wondering what price you're asking
  6. 39 rogue offhands- Help!

    Thanks for ur posts guys - ended up whacking the spare mongoose i had onto a Ginn-su blade - looks bad-ass, sheathed on my orc's back! - Still running Uld for the Longshank lol, this is ridiculous! *Picked up a 39 'of the monkey' dagg in case i need it also, thanks to Jen for that suggestion
  7. 39 rogue offhands- Help!

    Yeah i think i'll whack a goose on my OH - got a spare goose scroll in my bank anyway, not gonna use it for daggs now, after reading some posts here.
  8. 39 rogue offhands- Help!

    Ok thanks for ur help. Maybe i'll just buy the Ginn-su thats on the AH atm, purely for aesethics :P PS: goose or 20agil OH?
  9. 39 rogue offhands- Help!

    But i thought with the change to poison app %, u no longer needed the absolute fastest OH u could find
  10. 39 rogue offhands- Help!

    Hey guys, I've been twinking diff classes for a while now (rogue and 49 pally have old pvp ranks), but only recently discovered this site! Its very helpful, with a heap of useful info. I'm re-twinking my old 19 orc rogue to 39 (due to lvling him while i was drunk lolol), I have most of his...