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  1. so, max spell power for a 39

    My lock can hit 383 and im missing an 8 damage libram, perfect chest, sdamage cape, +21 damage gloves, and the rfd wand, which would give me 405, which is around 400 technically=D was just too lazy to do the math. edit: you could also grab another heirloom trinket so 419 would be max for a...
  2. so, max spell power for a 39

    I know I could get it higher, but I think it's pretty cool I got it this high. I had a spell power elixir+minor wizard oil(+8 damage instead of the lesser wizard oil +16), add in 40 spell power that I gain from spirit tap and spiritual guidance and it put me at 430 damage. I must say...
  3. blinding vanishes, vanishing blinds, and the discussion therof

    too bad they dont let us use mind vision in arena anymore, I would abuse that on rogues now that you can use it around los at 39. For those that don't know if you mind vision a rouge when they stealth it won't drop and U can watch them creep up to you and toss a dot on them=D
  4. Pug Flag Carrying Guide

    Just a little input here from a lock, your spewc for a fc should look a bit more like: Demonic sacrifice is useless bc you can only have it active w/o a pet up, you will also benefit more from imp coa than spell hit seeing as you dont have coex, imp...
  5. First Time Twinker (Priest advice needed)

    stack agility and lots of dodge rating imo
  6. blinding vanishes, vanishing blinds, and the discussion therof

    as a priest I always holy nova the second I leave a stun
  7. New viper sting at this lvl

    still waiting on my death hands vest thingy:<