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  1. Paladin Healing Spec: 3.1: The Great Debate v2

    That may be true, but any healing spec is unlikely to be able to kill a dps with a healer backing them. I stand by my assumptions of a 10-20 percent chance to win in a 1v2 situation as a paladin of any healing spec at 29.
  2. Paladin Healing Spec: 3.1: The Great Debate v2

    Those were just ballpark percentages. But between healing yourself from 2 twink dpsers, widdling one down, and running around. you're either going to get overwhealmed with damage, or go oom. most of the time. and in the sitaution where you're stuck 1v2ing a dps and healer, you're healing...
  3. Paladin Healing Spec: 3.1: The Great Debate v2

    Yes, As I said, it would probably do better then the other options, but it's still going to lose the match 80-90 percent of the time. Just because it's not AS bad as the other alternatives at bad arena pugs, doesn't mean it's not bad. Which was all i was saying.
  4. Paladin Healing Spec: 3.1: The Great Debate v2

    Not saying it couldn't be done. And i'm not saying that a ret oriented spec wouldn't do better then the other specs in a bad arena pug. But it's still going to be a loss atleast 80-90 percent of the time. Making it unviable for bad arena pugs.
  5. Paladin Healing Spec: 3.1: The Great Debate v2

    Removed the unneeded confusing part.
  6. Paladin Healing Spec: 3.1: The Great Debate v2

    I disagree, if your partner is a 24 hunter the enemy team is going to jib the hunter rather quickly then 2v1 you. My idea of a bad arena pug is 2 twinks versus one twink and a lowbie. Althought all twink healing specs would be ineffective in this situation(except maybe a very, very...
  7. Paladin Healing Spec: 3.1: The Great Debate v2

    You see, i see a ret oriented build (atleast 12 points in ret) being the most effective at the most things. Therefore making it the most viable spec. The downfalls of ret oriented build in my eyes: - bad for wsg pugs where your team is filled with lowbies. squishier then prot build so...
  8. Paladin Healing Spec: 3.1: The Great Debate v2

    You see, i really do think it(it being a ret oriented build) would be effective at the most situations. Making it the most viable. The only things i see it being unviable at are: - solo-carrying a bad wsg pug. Due to it relying on teammates to get full use of. - arena pugs where...
  9. Thistlefur Mantle of the Eagle

    As an above poster said, it's not perfect. The only class that would really want it is an alliance shaman, as they cannot get beryline pads and marbled buckler, and gear primarily for eagle stuff because their spells are so costly. And they would only want it until they got a leather pair.
  10. Paladin Healing Spec: 3.1: The Great Debate v2

    Somewhat a good point, a priest could put a hole in the specs strength. Although the heals of a 5/0/15 or other ret oriented build would only be 12 percent less effective then a full holy build. And one could drop 3 point in ret, either vindication/pursuit of justice and the spare, and...
  11. Paladin Healing Spec: 3.1: The Great Debate v2

    It would work as an arena build, yes. But the point of a ret oriented build with healing gear would be to work as a team. the strengths, i think, would be in the debuffs. not just outright pressure. Say a pally, a hunter, and... a warlock are going as group to return a flag flag...
  12. Paladin Healing Spec: 3.1: The Great Debate v2

    Yes, i looked at spec number three. conviction is indeed a very good talent. 4/5 percent increased healing to you is not worth not picking up 2/2 vindication and 2/2 pursuit of justice. And for ease of play, 5/5 spiritual focus is a quality of life buff that for most will exceed the...
  13. Paladin Healing Spec: 3.1: The Great Debate v2

    Perhaps something else, like 5/0/15 or 8/0/12, being... 5/5 spiritual focus, 5/5 deflection, 2/2 imp judgements, 3/3 heart of the crusader, 2/2 vindication, 1/1 soc or 1/5 conviction, 2/2 pursuit of justice? glyphed exorcism. The benefit being two fantastic debuffs for your dps'ers and...