Search results

  1. ~Bleh~

    While it's easy to understand people's frustrating with the erratic nature of the 19 bracket, one shouldn't complain when it becomes active and playable again (even though things aren't like the "good ol' days" the bracket remains firmly playable and regarding gear, balanced), while the gem...
  2. Rogue - Meadow Ring of Eluding

    Well that's what I thought, been outdated since WOTLK imo, even late BC. Popping up our server 5k minimum and they're selling, I was unaware there's a market for them, unless the people are just ill informed..
  3. Rogue - Meadow Ring of Eluding

    The old time favourite and once major 95% dodge haxx ring. Arguably still viable or simply outdated.. Discuss? - Heard this so many times from people in the Battleground and I always question those who still use it. + The insane prices it still appears at auction for and seems to sell....
  4. Active EU servers?

    Got a bloodelf level 20 mage (GF gear) a 19 rogue on hellscream, 19 hunter balnazzar and 20 rogue on balnazzar (GF gear) Meh... can't say I would, kinda wanna hold on to them in hope that they will one day be able to be resolved, and if not atleast transfer some of the trivial, yet valuable gear...
  5. Active EU servers?

    Yeah it was ha... well it's annoying cos i've got three level 20 twinks now with Riding turtle and grandfathered gear! None of which I can resolve :(
  6. Active EU servers?

    After almost two years abstinence from the 19 bracket (due to character levelling to 20 :( ), Balnazzar as well as having little or no twink community, is generally dead as a server and I want to escape! Any ideas on EU servers with a balanced server population and twinking community?
  7. Balnazzar EU Horde - Few twink items for sale.

    1X Darkweave Breeches 1X Witching Stave 1X Night Reaver 1X Silver-Linked Footguards 1X Mindthrust Bracer edit* 1X Mindthrust Bracer and 1X Darkweave breeches on Hellscream Alliance If your interested, don't hesitate to contact me!