Search results

  1. WTB Shadowfang (EU)

    /push i have a Hyppogryph Baby Pet Hippogryphenjunges - Gegenstände - World of Warcraft Datenbank von =)
  2. WTB Shadowfang (EU)

    yeah thats true, but i wouldn't pay like 12k = ) i thinik 9k is my limit + any tabard you like
  3. WTB Shadowfang (EU)

    Hey, i WTB a Shadowfang! The Realm isn`t important i think about 5000-7000 Gold should be enough just pm me or leave a comment here Bye
  4. EU WTT SF for wranglers + tab of flame.

    kk, i could give you other stuff you could like ive pmed you so we can talk ingame or stuff
  5. EU WTT SF for wranglers + tab of flame.

    re Yo kore, i could give you any Tabard you like besides Tabard of Flamme, i could give you 2 Tabard + some wranglers like 5 int and other perfect items 9 spell Pants. I can transfer some items to Dreanor for you to make some money like Saronit. Just pm me and we can talk about! Cya
  6. Tranferring my mage and a Shadowfang

    Rayu hey, i would like to talk with you ingame i have an other way you could deal with! Please Pm me with some contact information about how i could contact you. I am very thankful and i hope you will like my idea = )