Search results

  1. 90-99 Armory List??

    Scantwo @ Altar of Storms - Community - World of Warcraft
  2. 70-79s Armory List

    Stamina isn't that good as Blood DK. You want attack power so your Death Strikes heal more. In case you just want a lot of hp, why are you using wotlk stam gems? They're flat out worse than the TBC equivalent. just a old twink i made him a cupple years ago deathstike worked diff back then...
  3. 80-89 80 Best in slot (PvE and PvP)

    Koukie @ Altar of Storms - Community - World of Warcraft
  4. 70-79s Armory List

    Demicomic @ Altar of Storms - Community - World of Warcraft tank pve
  5. 80-89 80 Best in slot (PvE and PvP)

    Frozemenippy @ Altar of Storms - Community - World of Warcraft before the nerf this toon was awesome got 2362 WORLD honorble kills alone with out doing bgs this toon could kill 85+ with out them even geting a hit in
  6. 90-99 Armory List??

    Coraxx @ Altar of Storms - Community - World of Warcraft Krackles @ Altar of Storms - Community - World of Warcraft thinking about making a 91 not sure what class to make tho