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  1. Shaman - Reforging ?

    Mastery is win, as it is to most 80s....
  2. Frost Resist Set In Action

    This video reminds me of the days in vanilla (pre bgs) where I would fight those annoying arse PoM/Pyro mages on my warrior with my full Fire Resist set ... Dark Iron crafted gear ECT, It was amazingly fun!. Well done Arazen, Keep up the good work!
  3. 80 Holy pally help

    As a holy pally you don't really have to get full 5/5 Wrathful gear being as if you stack mastery (which is incredibly annoying) you could roll with 4/5 and straight Cata off pieces... my frost DK with weapon and trinkets proced, can't even scratch my brothers 80 paladin due to the damn mastery...
  4. What brings you to the 80 bracket?

    You are right 100%, the people that claimed faceroll were either #1 doing it in Cata, or #2 had 30% buff in ICC ect ect ... how is the guild coming along? Oh and nice job with Ulduar ;) That's awesome ... speaking of blues I can't remember what the guild name was or which server they were...
  5. What brings you to the 80 bracket?

    A lot of people looked at WOTLK as /faceroll type of an expansion, but I can honestly say I had many many fun times in ICC and also Ulduar being my favorite. What pushed me to go to the whole 80s scene was the amount of welfare level 70s in full s4 thinking they are good... it gets old quite...
  6. 80 Rogue

    It's nice but I highly suggest you reforge crit for mastery.
  7. BiS 80 DK need help

    Most definitely agreed ;P
  8. BiS 80 DK need help

    Yeah I just favor frost more by a long shot .. as OP as it is .... pre recent frost nerf If my weapon proc/trinkets lined up I'd get 32k frost strikes... now roughly 15-24k
  9. BiS 80 DK need help

    I don't recall of what my DC was hitting for to be honest so I'm not completely sure but pet dmg of course was decent due to dark transformation
  10. BiS 80 DK need help

    There's a huge difference... Frost does way more DPS, and on top of that I just didn't like the play style ect. I messed around with Unh in wotlk, was always either 1h/2h frost
  11. BiS 80 DK need help

    I definitely agree with unholy sucking .... my main 80 twink is my DK. I play frost most of the time but vs 84's and terrible 85's I play blood. I have tested unholy out and did not like it one bit ... it's not near as how it was in s6/s7 hah
  12. Best classes in this bracket

    I do well on my level 80 frost dk, can only really beat a skilled frost/arcane mage if strangulate is up ;(
  13. 80-84 Hunter question

    I have an 81 hunter twink, MM I can get nearly 27k aimed shots followed by 25-27k chim shot, as BM, it's more faceroll than s3/s4, nearly 30k kill commands
  14. 70 Hunter Questions

    Thanks much for the input guys, I appreciate it lots!
  15. 70 Hunter Questions

    Hi all I'm sure it's been answered here but recently returning to the game I was wondering how viable 70 Hunters are in pvp. I'm hearing mages are on steroids as always minus what .... few weeks in s4? and paladins too... Well I hope to find some help here and it's greatly appreciated! Thanks...
  16. WTT Great 60 account

    Posting, Do you have any instant messengers?
  17. Dual Glaived Warriors look inside!

    Awesome pre-thank you Sober... I'm just really curious to see what kind of numbers they pull! I'm loving this site so far
  18. Dual Glaived Warriors look inside!

    Hiya all, I'm just curious to know how a 70 dual Glaive warrior is parsing atm? with the insane buff to 1h DPS (Viva la Pre-BC!) I was just wondering how they are doing? Post some numbers please!!! and Thanks!! :D
  19. Wtb 60 Twink Account (Serious offers please!)

    Hi all, I'm a frequent browser of this site, as I have several twinks dating back to pre-BC ect. I hope I don't get laughed off the forums, but I'm currently looking to purchase a 60 Vanilla twink (Hoping for a nice Mage/Hunter/Rogue). My expectations are probably extremely rare... but do know...
  20. Wtb 60 Twink Account (Serious offers please!)

    Hi all, I'm a frequent browser of this site, as I have several twinks dating back to pre-BC ect. I hope I don't get laughed off the forums, but i'm currently looking to purchase a 60 Vanilla twink. My expectations are probably extremely rare... but do know that I have alot of positive feedback...