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  1. 10-19 2015 TC Discussion, Planning, Indiegogo

    People are losing sight of what has always been the goal of this and the first tournament - bringing more attention to 19s. The last tournament brought us some very good players who are invested in the bracket. Let's hope that this one does as well. If you're arguing or doing anything that gets...
  2. BoA caster Dagger/Sword post.

    I'm not saying this is a bad idea or anything like that - but of all the things to get the community to attempt to advocate for, is this really the most important?
  3. Who do you want to see this revival?

    Also no idea how I forgot but.. Bwappo :(
  4. Who do you want to see this revival?

    Sun - would be great seeing you man. Does Moonwalks/Stunt/Babywhip etc still play? Do you still have Nystrick's guild? I don't know if you remember this, but back when I did arena on Shattered Hand I think your 70 lock and mine were in the same guild (forgot the name). Ironic that I now twink...
  5. Requesting Affliction lock build

    Cantstawp @ Korgath - Community - World of Warcraft - this is what I'm running, although I play it mostly as Destro. I only swap Aff when the other team has a good healer I need to shut down. I'm going to make a MS UA set w/ max int at some point I suppose.
  6. 19s Screen Shot Thread

    No luck so far .. random stuff I've found while looking... Madock's Video (2.4) Way Back Machine Link for PwnDepot - didn't have time to parse much but most of the imgur links don't work anymore :/ 10-19 - Page 101 - PWN Depot no luck on the gallery yet. random galleries.. S...
  7. 19s Screen Shot Thread

    Wow.. finally had time to look at all of these... so many thoughts.. 1. Forgot the names of so many of my alts until I saw them in those.. 2. I miss Mostly Harmless (Vinknee come back! Unstablle / Hato are now all star PvE'rs) 3. I forgot how many people played for Mostly Harmless that I don't...
  8. 19s Screen Shot Thread

    Hmm Ill see what I can find from my SS's too Ertaii.. I think I got some old ones from MH too. muskie (Hass) - I haven't talked to Cotus in forever. I think he's gone but he checks in on the F2P forums sometimes... C O T U S
  9. patch 6.2 inc!

    Sorry I might be totally wrong in which case I'm going to be mad that I haven't been using this ability at all, but I'm 99% sure I don't have Arcane Missiles at 19? Or is that a new thing? If so /grin - it's gonna be amazing for this bracket...
  10. Looking for a Team!

    Long time man - good to see you back? :D
  11. Veteran Armory List

    Cool - done :)
  12. Veteran Armory List

    Sorry, what does this mean? I put /advanced at the end there and it didn't seem to change anything?
  13. Veteran Armory List

    I love BiS 20s - Ill link any I find. Mistaupista @ Tichondrius - Community - World of Warcraft (MW Haste) Ginallz @ Tichondrius - Community - World of Warcraft (Enh Haste) Pistolo @ Tichondrius - Community - World of Warcraft (Disc Haste) Slashbrb @ Tichondrius - Community - World of Warcraft...
  14. WTS Green Lens of Stamina and other stuff(z)

    I might buy Stam one
  15. [UPDATE] 30-39 Revival

    Word, Ill definitely jump on this and see if my 39 friends will queue w/ me. I can play Horde or Alliance Livingforce, I can finally play that sexy druid..
  16. Private Server - Molten. Looking for old school players of ruin/reckoning

    Do you still play WoW? End-game lock/19 etc? Also anyone else from NM still play? Been trying to find Beau, Vonfon etc
  17. Help me become a better player.

    Brov go study pls.
  18. Vet Rogue

    Not a huge fan of being so reliant on Ambush. I can keep up SnD with Envenom easily and that means I can spread a ton of damage and do a lot of control. Pooling energy for double Mut's drops healers without relying on someone else as well (or stacks). As for the enchants - I'll grab stats...
  19. Vet Rogue

    Tapdown@Tichondrius Tapdown @ Tichondrius - Community - World of Warcraft I didn't quite understand why I was using Blackened Defias Hands (they scale worse than the 9/9 on Naga but I'll change if explained why). I just went with Wild Belt to balance it out, I can understand if Bandit...
  20. X-MOG Rating Thread! (10-19 ONLY) 1-10 Scale!

    Most of your gear is missing but I'm guessing it's the red BoA mog anyway - 8/10 Icyjr @ Bleeding Hollow - Community - World of Warcraft Mine? - Just what I had I guess..