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  1. Making a 29 retri pala

    I have made a new spec now and uppdated the link.
  2. Making a 29 retri pala

    Idd and the Ab boots is 8% right?
  3. Making a 29 retri pala

    is the pursuit of justice worth 2 points? its really nice with 15% movment speed, but as i can see on your spec u dont have it, and isn't it better to use Kings then might?
  4. Making a 29 retri pala

    the sparkshell shoulder got less stats but more armor so i think the watchman shoulders are a bit better. About the ring i'm not sure, so i'll think a bit about it=) thx Btwa bout the spec. I dont know what i should remove points from to get the Sanctity og battle. If anyone got a nice spec...
  5. Making a 29 retri pala

    Hi=) i have decided to make a 29 pala and i really would likesome help. my main focus is dps. but i dont want to lack hp since hunters do really nice damage in this bracket.:) I have used to plan my twink. follow this link and you will see what...
  6. Discoveries and "THe Noble" Achievement

    You don't get xp if u summon to place with only the map name, like Badlands and tanaris. so the only place i had to discover on my lvl 19 was the spot in Un'goro=) And the tittle was worth that^^