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  1. DV's Confirmed 5.4 Information for F2P

    Paladin Judgment for Holy Paladins now costs 12% of base mana to cast (up from 5% of base mana). Priest Psyfiend health has been reduced by 75%, but fixed a bug where Psyfiend wasn't being affected by base Resilience. Warlock Drain Soul no longer energizes Soul...
  2. Fishing tourney Playlist.

    I can now personally confirm this works. After nearly two months of fishing tournaments, I caught Keefer's Angelfish this afternoon while listening to Phish.
  3. DV's Confirmed 5.4 Information for F2P

    I think you're probably right about the Savage Defense and Shield Block change. Previously the number of charges has been displayed elsewhere but was not mentioned in the tooltip. Thanks for the catch, I'll edit my post. As far as the Thunderstorm change is concerned I'm not sure, I do...
  4. DV's Confirmed 5.4 Information for F2P

    Hunter Disengage no longer lists a combat restriction. Mage Ice Floes now has 3 charges with a 20 sec recharge time. Frostbolt no longer increases the damage of any spells. The damage for those spells have been increased instead. Waterbolt damage has been increased by 25%. Shaman...
  5. Hey, what's your favorite race?

    Re: Hey whats your favorite racee Yeah true, they are not actually "in charge" of the factions, I kind of just wanted to use the expression "large and in charge" to be honest.
  6. Questions & Answers

    Apparently they cannot be used for transmog, unfortunately. Imagine pairing them with Rockhide Strongfish or Dark Herring!
  7. Hey, what's your favorite race?

    Re: Hey whats your favorite racee Draenei and Tauren. To me they both represent the "good guys" or the better aspects of their respective factions. The fact that they both tend to be rather large (and in charge) is an added bonus.
  8. Questions & Answers

    When talking about stat "caps" there are two types of cap, "hard" and "soft". Hard cap refers to a point at which increasing the stat further provides no benefit whatsoever. For example, once your chance to miss is reduced to zero for all your spells/attacks, increasing your hit rating will no...
  9. Music!

    I listen to a pretty wide variety of stuff these days. I grew up on good old classic rock, blues, and "jam bands" (a lot of the bands Drugs listed), from there I've sort of branched out into funk/jazz, some electronic stuff, as well as instrumental post-rock/metal (though I still can't dig...
  10. Questions & Answers

    Basically yes, in Spanish and Portuguese language the letter 'J' often makes the same sound as 'H' does in English. A lot of people also use "jaja" as a pejorative term referring to Portuguese- or Spanish-speaking players (a use which some argue is offensive and/or borderline racist).
  11. DV's Confirmed 5.4 Information for F2P

    Evasion now increases your dodge chance by 100%, up from 50%. Source
  12. DV's Confirmed 5.4 Information for F2P

    Druid Bear Form now increases armor contribution from cloth and leather items by 120% and Stamina by 40%, up from 20% Teleport: Moonglade - Casting Teleport: Moonglade while in Moonglade will return the Druid back to near their departure point Hunter Disengage now has a 20 sec...
  13. Fishing tourney Playlist.

    Some fishing music eh? Awesome afro-funk: Budos If you're looking for something electronic: Haywyre If metal is more your thing: Mastodon
  14. How to cope with Gurubashi Arena level 90 trolls?

    I find myself in largely the same situation for farming AGM (no realm-hopping or 90 support) and it can certainly be...frustrating. Best advice I can offer is to try and befriend some of the "regulars" who show up a lot - they may be willing to help you out if they're just there for the PvP...
  15. Paladin Transmog

    Some might argue that mine is stereotype but I'm pretty happy with it. Would consider adding Weather-Beaten Fishing Hat to the mix if the RNG were friendlier but that's a work in progress. (See signature for armory)
  16. F2P Tabard Guide

    You should probably add Exodar Tabard and Tushui Tabard for Alliance, as well as Huojin Tabard for Horde. It might be worth noting that Tabard of the Hand is available to Draenei only. Also, I'm pretty sure Tabard of the Scarlet Crusade is grandfathered and no longer obtainable by F2P, as...