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  1. Wosted

    The wildlife of the bracket, Part I: 24's.

    Why is this post still here?
  2. Wosted

    Anyone interested in an F2P PvE site?

    Tooh87 - Very awesome video and that is exactly what im talking about, seeing how far, for free, in every direction, I can push a level 20 character without any outside help. Tinkerton - The whole Idea for me is to do this without any help from a paid account, the challange is a little more...
  3. Wosted

    Anyone interested in an F2P PvE site?

    Hey all, I started about F2P PvE awhile back. I Love the Twinking side but its still fun collecting mounts, achievements, and speed running/solo'n instances for fun. If you have time check it out and let me know what ya think, its a first attempt and I would appreciate any feedback...
  4. Wosted

    F2P Twinking - Extras Guide

    Since we have no access to mail with F2P accounts I don't see how the Store bought pets and mounts can be obtained. I might be wrong though cause I have not spent money to test this. For that matter has anyone tried the Trading Card Rewards on thier F2P accounts?
  5. Wosted

    F2P Resto Shammy

    Hey all, long time lurker first time poster, I have been playing WoW since alpha and I'm always looking for the "next thing" to challenge me. I have been twinking a long time, but lately have been bored so I canceled Wow. But with this new F2P I figured what do I have to lose except time...