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  1. Wosted

    Crazy but tested way to convert gold from p2p to f2p chars

    Ok this is just for completeness of all things F2P. Most probably know of this but for those that don't here is a CRAZY way to get money from an P2P to an F2P character. Some things that can be thrown to a character with free bag space, can be sold for a few copper. Voodoo Skull, Heavy...
  2. Wosted

    Seeya later guys

    Take care and best wishes on your endeavors!
  3. Wosted

    When is it acceptable to drop professions?

    I grind out all the prof's every Dark Moon Fair for the quests anyway so... no better time then the present.
  4. Wosted

    Hitting hi-level mobs

    Nice work!
  5. Wosted

    Pond Turtle

    Grats, glad it worked out for you!!!
  6. Wosted

    Sandstone Drake

    Aye alliance. I trained mining atm just selling ore and bars as I'm working it up will see how that goes. Also if really needed I can make a quick p2p on AP horde or alliance just to group people.. I'm on usually 7am-10am est. So just let me know. (with notice I could prop do it on any server...
  7. Wosted

    Sandstone Drake

    My Brother-In-Law has an extra account and he hooked me up with an 85 DK with blues, 5 bags, and nothing else for me to use as I please on my F2P Server. My question is, what do you think would be the fastest way for me to use this toon to get the Sandstone Drake. I currently have 1.5k gold and...
  8. Wosted

    Thank you, Ma'ruk Wyrmscale

    Grats... is awesome when it happens like that!
  9. Wosted

    Help me out?

    This is the reason I quit my paid account and went f2p.. got so sick of always re-gearing my toon every patch.
  10. Wosted

    Serious Inquiry here. Need P2P Ally Help.

    This is why I left AP if you are not on their friends list you are not getting the agm on AP. PERIOD. End of story. That Druid/Pally/Priest group controls who gets the agm on that server. I spent 5 months there with Wosted and had a blast with the 20's but I just got so frustrated with the...
  11. Wosted

    What do you do when you afk?

    Have never afk'd out of a bg... I just can't stop trying... its in my bones not to give up I guess, no matter the odds. It may only be one in a couple hundred you turn it around, but it happens, and man it feels so damn good when you do that it makes the couple hundred you failed at worth it.
  12. Wosted

    server to go to?

    Well said.
  13. Wosted

    Be ready AP horde

    I am Uncrushable... just saying. 8oD
  14. Wosted

    could swiftness potion be the answer to fighting hunters?

    ...all you need to know....
  15. Wosted

    AP horde

    Gawd don't encourage them...
  16. Wosted

    So long and good night

    *sigh* I never make the list... 8o( Anyways, take care, thanks for stopping by and roughing it up some
  17. Wosted

    Some Ego Stroking - Felix AP

    Heh, normally I don't stroke egos but hey this person rocked out the horde in WSG today.. We, alliance, had 2-0 lead within minutes of starting WSG and then Felix, lvl20 horde hunter from ap, joined and man single-handedly turned that WSG around for the horde and won it.. some sick spin...
  18. Wosted


    Why would anyone who enjoys playing BG's even want to be in an environment like this? What kind of accomplishment could you even feel? Sure you would win but how empty those wins would be.. whats the point? Beating them would sure feel good though! 8OD
  19. Wosted

    Darkmoon Fair and Sea Turtle

    I wasn't fishing for it.. I always wanted one, but figured it would be to hard to get into an area I could fish it and it would take way to long to get it. I just happened to see the debris pool as I was about to port out and tossed in a line and got the box and the turtle came up with it. I...