Search results

  1. Rare F2P Transmogrifaction Items

    Was chasing Seer's Padded Armor and Dark Runner Boots forever on my priest. Gave up and got Farmhand's Vest and some quest gray boots. Was also looking for something to go with Jessera's Fungus Lined Tunic but gave up and got the dress that is like it. Fur Covered Robe is also pretty unique...
  2. What are your favorite classes?

    Disc priest Resto shaman Holy pally (I feel like a douche when I play one though and really dislike the whole light thing and all the spells remind me of the Crusades) Sometimes I like to ask myself how desperate I am to play, like which class would I be willing to play. I don't think I'll...
  3. Greetings from Iowa

    If there wasn't so much corn/produce you could probably see straight across Iowa from one end to the other, jk. I've met someone in game who was playing in Iowa, so there is appropriate Internet somewhere. Hope you have fun anyways!
  4. F2P Alli Druid heals?

    A real advantage to resto druids is they tend to die less than other healers. I have never once in a bg heard "FFS, kill the resto druid".
  5. What do you do between que times alliance?

    There used to be a whole list of things I did on my alliance toons while waiting in que. Then there comes a point where you don't have anything new to achieve so you start doing things IRL and occassionally walking by to see if your que is up. Now I'm in the third phase where I use the time to...
  6. my f2p battleground thoughts

    Your druid is already awesome, or rather the person sitting behind his huge shoulders is. You amaze me every time I see you in a battleground the things you pull off. And rolling several of any class in a bg is crap. We've all seen where the majority of the team is hunters or sometimes...
  7. How game breaking do you think

    It makes a big difference I think. When I played a human, I trinketed anything I fancied. Conc shot, TRINKET BABY! Sapped while fc runs away, TRINKET FTW! On any non-human I pretty much never use my trinket though because I always think I'll need it more in the future. And I think that's...
  8. does anyone notice that this bracket is dominated by alliance?

    I agree that both factions win WSG probably equally. I have characters on both sides and both have win ratios above 50%, but I only play heals so that makes a difference. In general it seems like Horde has more 24s and more healers and less geared players. As a healer I find playing Horde now...
  9. any point to being a P2P 20 twink?

    Playing a paid 20 is just as destroying as playing a 24. It is the enchants that make the difference. Only newish players respect p2p 20s more. A lot of f2ps hope that people will roll paid 20s on the opposing team rather than 24s just bc it is slightly easier to hit them. Personally, the...
  10. Left or Right handed?

    I'm right handed but raised mostly by a left hander, so I do all sorts of things backwards. I iron standing on the wrong side of the board, my dishwasher is set up for a left hander, and I write with a hook.
  11. Why do so many /afk out?

    Agree with this. Saw you the other day and I actually thought Kale had rolled a priest.
  12. Vashj - A horde call to arms.

    Hilarious, considering the horde favortitism of that server on any other level. Rolled my first 20 there and there was like no one except the odd death knight.
  13. Duopaladin

    Idk if I should even say this, but you can walk out of wsg with over 200 honor by farming. I've seen it where horde was camping in front of their tunnel and alliance just kept rushing (game with Twinke and maybe Brego, idk it was like a month ago). Now, the most I've seen where people are...
  14. Denying 3th cap

    This is one of those questions that boggles my mind too. I've sat on both sides enough now though to know the answer. It's really satisfying when the other team is smashing yours to know that you've at least prevented them from gaining extra honor in 3 capping. You can tell when a team is...
  15. Who do you like to kill?

    With all this polling going on, I thought this might be a good time to ask this question. Who do you like to kill? Why? Do you ever show mercy? My answer: I don't usually care about killing people, but there are people whose deaths I enjoy watching: fem draenei hybrids (cuz you know they...
  16. How do you spend your time as a F2P twink?

    I've been an alt-o-holic for a very long time. I'm constantly working on something new and will often reroll for a new racial/starting zone/name. Thus, I'm in dungeons for as little as possible and usually end up soloing stuff just because I get outrolled again and again. Mostly bging though...
  17. Best race for Shaman and Druid?

    Tauren shaman, war stomp is muy bueno for facing all the alliance rogues.
  18. magicians mantel =DD

    I thought MM was a lot more common. My first priest got it from a random run in Stocks before everyone was talking about it. Second priest got it in 3 chests. Shaman got it in 4. But paladin makes me believe it was all just luck, though I'm only on about day 2.
  19. Do you honestly have fun as a F2P in arenas?

    I've tried arena at max level and found it too frustrating, so I'll probably never try on a f2p (granted this was back when I was really not good at bgs). I prefer large group activities even though I am highly competitive. I don't like dueling, so that's a large part of it. I don't really...
  20. pro lvl 24 hunters that destroys our bracket (at least for us)

    Potatoez, I'm so glad you have started posting in this section. I love reading your stuff. You crack me up. In general, I don't know any 24 hunters names because they just don't make a big impression. The 24 hunters that scare me usually are the ones with less than 2k health because...