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  1. The place to be

    Since our very intellegent mods closed the most active thread i thought it would be good to have a new one where people can post their experiences in the gulch. There is no fix topic. Just use this thread to post pics, inform about popping games, about good and bad games, about good and bad...
  2. Log 19 and que NOW!

    Lol. There is no difference challenging them as guild or as real id group. Oh wait one big thing: one could happen one not. Dodge. Trialdruid nothing you say makes sense. Im simple asking for a reason why he wont challenge baldi. Btw i dont want to troll, i just want to know WHY
  3. Log 19 and que NOW!

    Wow why so mean. Give me one good reason not to premade a horde random group. You would have fun, a competetive game and you could practice for TL. The reason why you dont want to do it is because you are afraid of losing vs a random group.
  4. Log 19 and que NOW!

    There is a word for it - dodge . Funny that you tried to make it sound like they are not worth your time :P
  5. So I herd EU tinkers need moar threads, so tell me who are the beste

    And why does a so skilled person like you need to use lagmacros?
  6. So I herd EU tinkers need moar threads, so tell me who are the beste

    Warrior Protection: Bannamilk Arms: Thai Fury: - FC: Bannamilk, Balthasaur Warlock Destruction: cast Demonology: - Affliction: - Shaman Elemental: Anyone playing this spec? Restoration: Vesperian Enhancement: FC: Roula Rogue...
  7. So I herd EU tinkers need moar threads, so tell me who are the beste

    Maybe thats why stormie got listet in fire spec?
  8. So I herd EU tinkers need moar threads, so tell me who are the beste

    Jez. Let him have his opinion on who is good or not. If you dont agree just make your own list. I bet about 95% of the ppl care about 'who is best' lists and want to see If they get votet. Not that everyone would admit that :p. So dont let this thread get closed because of useless flaming
  9. Hello

    "Druids are balanced cause they are vulnerable to control losing effects and instant sheep while in cast form". Maybe someone want to use this short summary for his sig.
  10. Log 19 and que NOW!

    Sorry dp
  11. Log 19 and que NOW!

    Dont lock it. Its the only thread EU ppl care about and also a good laugh for me! If they lock i wtb best of EU thread since only this could top the fun-meter of this thread here
  12. Log 19 and que NOW!

  13. Log 19 and que NOW!

    DP sorry
  14. Log 19 and que NOW!

    I see your point here but: Didnt you queue many carebears premades vs pugs in ata? No offence but only the fact that you coudlnt dominante like they do, doesnt make it better or legit.! havent played in one of this games and cant tell what happened there but from what i read ppl here are blaming...
  15. Log 19 and que NOW!

    Activity is growing atm. Wont take long until we get the normal amount of games...
  16. Does anyone miss cata?

    lmao what
  17. Does anyone miss cata?

  18. Does anyone miss cata?

    The fact that we have more healers than dps classes queueing is enough to prove that YOU are wrong... Just cause a hero called tence find it boring doesnt mean everyone else do ---> see increasing numbers of heals in bg!! So his statement had the same point as dorigons. He just wanted to state...
  19. +100 HP or +4 stats?

    If you dont mind; please explain why 4int + 4spirit should be better than 60hp for a hpally for example? Just wondering
  20. +100 HP or +4 stats?

    Not only you. If you arent going for max dps (what you dont do as healer) you have to choose +100hp in any case... Considering you dont need spirit and that int just give you sp and a bit crit, there is no way not to go with the hp enchant! 4sp+about 0,4% crit vs 60hp no question there imo