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  1. onkyoo

    Witch Server Is the best for 70 Twinks? Eu Horde

    What if im Uk ? lol.
  2. onkyoo

    Witch Server Is the best for 70 Twinks? Eu Horde

    Im considering Changing server's, But i do not want to change Until i know there is a good server out there and a good 70 twink guild involved with the server? Could anyone let me know please :)
  3. onkyoo

    Why are horde so awfull in bgs? and whats the big deal with everyone rolling alliance

    Re: Why are horde so awfull in bgs? and whats the big deal with everyone rolling alli Thinking all new twink's will roll horde, As being the bad guys in a game is always so much better :)