Search results

  1. AussieTwinker

    Frostmourne 24 Twink Guild

    <Avenge> is a Frostmourne guild looking for more 24 twinks to recruit and build solid premade group/s. We are looking for fairly decent geared people (Doesn't have to include agm). Thanks.
  2. AussieTwinker

    If you stopped playing?

    Only reason I would quit would be: Changes to the game that didn't make it fun anymore or that I had found a better game :D
  3. AussieTwinker

    LF Horde Real ID

    Im on US. Still need a bit of gear (Bracers, trinks and 1 ring) but I only twinked 24 2 days ago. Ohhh Btw I am a Prot Pally. :) P.S - Just PM me if you want realID
  4. AussieTwinker

    Do you play the gender you are?

    Human - Female NE - Female Worgen - Male Dwarf - Male (Females are really disgusting) Gnome - None Draenei - Female BE - Female Undead - Dunno never played an UD Tauren - Male Orc - Male Goblin - Chick Troll - Male
  5. AussieTwinker

    24 Prot Paladin Profession

    Hi, I am just wondering what the best professions for a 24 twinked Prot Paladin are and why they are the best for it. Thanks, Jordan